Monday, May 24, 2010

Cosmetic Surgery & Idols

They talk about it on forums, there are videos on YouTube, and I've yet to see actual evidence.  The most popular evidence is the 'before and after picture.'  However these rarely are worthwhile proof.  The first is a bad picture combo.  Out of all the celebrities I think Ayu is the most likely to have gotten actual surgery.  The before pictures tend to be from when they are quite young.  The after picture is clearly PHOTOSHOPPED.  How is a teen without make up going to go up against the complete superstar make over.  Professional make up on its own will do wonders.  The next example I found in a forum will piss plenty of you off.

Are these people stupid, or just desperate for examples?  Do any of you actual now believe they got surgery in their early teens, before they are done growing?  Their hair is different, they have better make up, they are older, and they've lost weight.  Just don't believe everything you read.

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