Thursday, May 6, 2010

What to do about Matsui♫ (SKE48)

Well, I've heard quite a few complaints on who is at the front for AKB48. Why isn't Sae on one of the A or B covers? Why is Sayaka pushed back to the B-side PV, and not even in the front? There are two spots that should be available, but are taken.  SKE48 have had their own concerts, their own songs that have made it to AX2010, and are preparing to release their third single.  Plus I don't think they've even released an indie single.  Therefore, why are their two front girls also AKB48 front girls.  I've made this statement before when I went on a rant about Matsui Jurina, but I am now including Matsui Rena.  Things have gone too far when other front girls are being pushed back IN THEIR OWN GROUP by girls FROM A SEPARATE GROUP!  This would be like two members of Berryz Koubou, when they first started, being featured in Morning Musume singles and PV.

Do you see this cover, what does it say on the cover?  AKB48!  This is a single cover!  Not one member of AKB48 was on this cover.  How would you feel if Morning Musume's or Berryz's next single had only Airi on the cover?  SKE48 is popular enough now to have their own shows, concerts, singles, but not enough to stop mooching off of AKB48's success?  Matsui Jurina is on the version A cover next to Acchan.  She is not even off to the side!  Oshima Yuko and Mayuyu are both farther off center than her.  Yuki is barely on the B-version.  She is at the same front girl level, in terms of position and lines, as Takamina and Acchan!  Akimoto knows that this pisses AKB48 fans off, so he had two whole episodes of AKBingo! where Jurina beat all the front girls in challenges.  I mean come on!  That is so rigged!
I am very fond of Matsui Rena.  I didn't mind her getting some time in the past PV or in singles, but Akimoto is pushing it.  She was basically the featured girl!  She was the Acchan of this PV.  Excuse me?  You are great in all but get out!  Sayaka got a fraction of the time that Rena recieved.  I don't hate them.  They are in a different group, so I think it is absurd!  Work on SKE48!  AKB48 does not need you!

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