Sunday, May 23, 2010

SKE48 2nd Stage Review

Well, I didn't do a review for KII's stage because there wasn't much to say about it, song by song.  Now, uploading images on this computer does not work at all so I finally moved myself to join a image sharing site so I can upload photos to link here.  Gosh, it pisses me off!  Anyway, this will be like my Team K stage review.
[I'm not going to bother figuring out kanji for the song titles, and I'm going in order anyways (sorry).]
The first song is a great high energy number that really represents the spirit of SKE48.  I of course have to show a shot of Rena because she is my number one of SKE, forgive me for not being nice to you earlier.  All the girls are sweet and charming with their girl next door look.  However to my surprise, I really want to punch Matsui Jurina in the face.  To me she is really just obnoxious!  I think it must be a live thing.  I was actually warming up to her because during Ponytail no Shushu PV she looked really pretty.  There is just one girl that I want to go away.
Another charming number.  I got a lot of crazy eyes already, including from Rena.  I'm not scared yet though.  First Takamina annoyed me by doing it, now I think it is funny.  Then I got it from Team KII, and I have yet to get over it.  (still kind of mocking them in my head)  However, they are like Rika as in there obscene charming~ness is endearing.  Oh the song?  Just as great as the last, but still nothing mind blowing either.
There winning streak with me is over.  The neon outfits and this generic pop song.... they're holding hands~ how adorable.  I can't say no to you.  Yup, my basic reaction.  Started out thinking that here is the song that I won't hate or like, but no they hold hands.  I love it!  They do quite a lot of interaction on stage.  The song turned out better than I thought it would.  One thing that would make the track better is to get rid of the HEY.  Why on earth do they think they can do a wave?  That is only fun in the crowd.  I don't need to see them do it.
Now here it is!  I have to say: Japanese songs are a lot better if you can understand what they are saying.  The problem with this song is that they pair vocals that are similar together.  For such a bland song it would be better if they are at least slightly different.  Matsui and Matsui began the song, and I didn't like it.  I want to say their voices together are just to nasal~ie?  Learn from Maria where they pair a really strong vocalist with a high pitched one, and another one in the middle of the two.  There is one girl that really flings her hair around.
 Now I know this one: Glory Days.  This is Jurina's song.  It really is made for her.  What also makes sense is that, like Jurina, I just don't see the appeal.  The black with neon yellow, that shot makes it look brown.  Wait, it is brown... that's worse!  It also looks like Jurina has a dead crow on her shoulder.  I just don't like the song, outfits, or Jurina.  What can I do?
I didn't care for the chorus, but it has potential.  I like it, but nothing I want to rewatch.  I like the girls.  Although, my Japanese isn't very good and every song is better when you understand what they are saying.
This was not the first time I saw this stage song, but that was with Jurina in the center.  I of course did not watch the whole thing.  This time I could enjoy it.  I adore loli numbers.  I think I heard of a curse related to this stage unit.  I enjoyed the sugar sweet performance.
This is not the first time I'm seeing this unit either.  Like before, absolute perfection.
It is okay, the song.  They did a nice job with what they were given.
Innocence: I really enjoyed this one.  The only problem was that whenever my attention was caught by Jurina I wanted to punch her in the face.
This wasn't as good.  I still liked it but I was wondering who was so pissed off that they added in those 'oh yeah'.  Those sounded horrible!
They are just getting more and more annoying as they go.  I hated this song.
This is better, but why does Jurina get the only hat?
This even better!  This song has more different singing segments, the other one felt like it was all on one level.
As the songs get better, Jurina gets more face time.  I still want to soccer punch her.  This number is their first single, which I like.  These outfits, I feel, suit the song better than what they wear for their single.
I love this song.  One suggestion I would make would be to make the movements more simple.  I don't need sign language to such a slow song.  I guess it might look better to have more going on if you are in the audience.
Overview:  I liked it more than I expected.  I thought that during an SKE48 event I wouldn't mind Matsui Jurina as much, but I still couldn't stand her.

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