Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Team B 5th Stage Review

This is going to be short and sweet, not a song by song, review.  I think I can do just as good of a review by giving my overall opinion.  I was really excited when I first saw this stage on YouTube.  It was taken down not too long after I found it, so I downloaded the stage.  My first thought, after the stage was over, was 'that was so much better than Team K's stage!'  This was the best stage I've seen.  However, the only full stages I've seen are Reset, Team KII's first, and Team S second.  I've seen parts of others, but it is hard to find a full stage to download that has all the members and is not a birthday stage.  There wasn't a song that I hated.  In fact, I was shocked at how good all of it was.  I either really liked or loved all the units including Yuki's ballad.  Just think if I understood what they were singing!  This is definitely worth your time.  Note to the H!P fans who are curious:  The stage is small and the whole set will feel lesser to Hello Project concerts, but it is very good.  For me it is like watching all the Morning Musume songs, that are not singles, that I like at one of their concerts.  Give it a try!

After the jump I'll post some pictures.

And Lastly, while watching this stage for about the third time I had to pause it to answer the telephone. Well, when I glanced back at the computer screen I found a very interesting (fan service) shot. Enjoy you pervs.

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