Tuesday, June 29, 2010

AKB48 @ Yokohama Arena Concert Review - Day 1

The Yokohama Arena concert is three separate concerts performed over two days (3/24-25). I'm going to review them separately because they are also on separate DVDs. Let's do this!

Shonichi - New Team B
Now I've already seen the first couple of numbers because of YouTube, so the new excitement of first seeing it performed has worn off. It is nice to see the new teams perform the classics. I have to say that Amina didn't stand out during the stage, but here she does.

AKB Sanjou - New Team A
After their first performances together I am going to stop referring to them as new. I'll mention if is is the old team instead. I wonder if the whole flashlight thing even looks cool from the audience perspective? It is nice to see some of my favorites being promoted to Team A. This is just getting me more pumped for their stage. Poor Mariko, her hat fell off. Have I mentioned to you guys how dull Haruna is all of a sudden? I mean I think it started this year, but Haruna has lost her sparkle. She is too young to look this worn down. I'm actually worried about Haruna. I used to love her. (If you were ever wondering why Haruna has been so low in my rankings.)

Korogaru Ishi ni Nare - New Team K
It may be the fact that they are performing team songs, but they all sound and feel like the old teams. Tomo also seems different, but just in a more mature way. This is really weird. It is like my first time around following the girls at real time, so I notice all those changes over the months and years.

7ji 12fun no Hatsukoi
It is nice to see that these are performed by their teams and not shuffled. I guess that is the next concert. I of course loved this. I love this sugar sweet song, plus all of the girls are high in my rankings. However I wish that Aki and Acchan didn't hog most of the solo lines. I feel at peace.

Zannen Shoujo
Since this is teams, as expected, Mayu is leading the unit. I don't mind, but Myao is no Kelly Rowland. Myao should be leading a unit or at least in the center of one. Although, she looks great in that mini dress.

Seifuku Resistance
I don't think this is right. I do love this unit, but they should also perform classic K-units. I guess they don't have to learn as many numbers this way, but the teams should the same thing. Preview the new stages or perform fan favorites. Reminder: favorite unit from K6.

Renai Kinshi Jourei
It is nice to see Haruka in a small unit... those pants are horrible! I never loved this song. I mostly loved it because Mii-chan is spectacular in this. I wish I enjoyed Takamina's performances more. I guess it is because the track is kind of plain.

Kokoro no Hashi no Sofa
Those dresses and accessories are a little much for this song. If you recall from my review of K6... I didn't care for this/ most units. Then again, these girls are in the middle of my rankings. So I like them, but they won't make a number for me.

Manatsu no Chirstmas Rose
What should I do? I like these girls more. Mariko is leading. However it is a Christmas song.

Kuchi Utsushi no Chocolate
Yukirin really shines in this unit. I don't love Rie's voice. I wonder if the big Tomomi and Rie fans don't think they should be performing back up? They get enough push, and they led their own perspective units in B5.

Heart Gata Virus
Another hard one to get over. Love Sasshi and Asuka, but Haruna is depressing. Her voice is fine, but does no one else see this? Asuka was never in the front in Team K, so at least she'll shine in Team A.

Blue Rose
Oh wow here is a party in my pants (LOL). Sayaka always does this well. Sae and Miichan are two of my favorites. I started to tear up the first time I watched this. I don't care about Ayaka. I guess Akimoto didn't like their units either. I much prefer watching this over their units, even if I've seen this number 100 times.

Jibun Rashisa
This is a single right? From where? Is it new? Wow I'm bored quickly. The girls are great it is just the track. The instrumental sounds somewhat lullaby like.

Only Today
This is the most sloppy performance of the opening of this song. I guess they are kind of running to the stage at the same time. I've seen this more than once already so I'm over it. It is good but nothing spectacular. Is that No Damage in the back? How did she get in Team A?

Dear My Teacher
I've mostly seen the original version before so it is nice to see the different line up. I really love the new Team A. Haruna is just an eyesore. Don't take this the wrong way but I can't watch her anymore.

I guess I am okay with them performing something different. But there are so many wonderful Team K songs that I would like to see the new line up with, like Stand Up or Hana To Chire.

This was one of my favorite tracks from the K6 group numbers, until I heard Sayaka mention the song and how it made her felt. Besides that same opinion as before (RESET).

Wasshoi B
It works, but it is not as smooth as the original version. Good job lifting Amina! These songs are a lot more fun if they have fun with it too. You wouldn't see this from your seats, but you can tell some of the girls aren't having a ton of fun cough cough mayu cough cough.

Shiroi Shirts
Of all Team B songs! Not one of my favs. OH MY! Nacchan's shorts are falling down!

Aozora Kataomoi
I should of known SKE48 would show up. I like them as SKE, but this means Jurina is going to sneak into AKB songs. I need to start learning their names. I didn't want to punch Jurina in the face.

Bungee Sengen
When Matsui isn't around I can fully enjoy SKE48 as just another idol group.

Enkyori Poster
I guess they won the competition, so they can perform.

Romance, Irane
Great the singles, wait a minute! The theatre girls! This is interesting. Singles can become predictable because they preform it the same everytime. Nice to see these girls get more face time. Although, the original sounds a little bit better. (Random thought, but my purse smells like a doughnut.)

Iiwake Maybe
Cool, new costumes. Besides that, same... CINDY!!! Everyone's mics are going ape (not that badly, just a hyperbole).

Wow, the audience agrees with me. They start a fire and one second after my ooo and awe the audience does the same. Funny. This is better than usual.

The old, non-senabtsu members for RIVER. Including Noro... there are only one or two graduates. I don't see Megumi. Wait there she is!

Namida Surprise
I do enjoy the aerial angles.

10nen Zakura
Everyone All Together Now! Wait, why did Oshima jump? This was before the results right?! It is nice to see them all together because they are all one group, with a couple exceptions.

Oogoe Diamond
The rest of SKE came to join in. It would be nice to see SDN there too.

Sakura no Shiori
If there wasn't an encore this would be a nice ending. Although, I think ひこうき雲 is the best concert ending track.

Kimi no Niki to Taiyou to
Why wouldn't you ask for a encore? I love this song, but where is this single from? It is not the next one, so did I miss it or something? This is really beautiful.

Dareka no Tame ni ~What can I do for someone?~
I don't know why they selected this for the next song. It is okay. It would make sense if the encore was over, but there is one more to go. I guess they don't all get to sing the next one. The audience is adding into the instrumental.

Majisuka Rock 'n' Roll
It is a little unfair that the other girls don't get to dress up and join in. Wo, random punch. I wish they would tell us already if they are going to do a second season or not. Wait! Miichan and Sae were in the show. I guess they are having fun with it. Now this is a good ending track.

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