Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Western Version of Idols

We know the Disney kids, but if you live in the west you probably have, at least, heard of the newest phenomenon: GLEE.  Glee started off as a TV show; you could say a parody of High School Musical.  The characters are relatable.  The stars are not perfect.  They make a ton of cash from their TV show and selling albums.  Do you see the similarities?  Well let's just say that FOX, the channel they are on, has over 30 videos on their Glee-only YouTube account.

Move over Zac Efron, beat it Hannah... Miley.  Here is the new young Hollywood.  They are the talk of the town.  Their dedicated fans have already been named Gleeks (wota).  Yes I am obsessed.  I thought I had to post something after I started wanting to see more of the members in the back.  I recognized the similar feeling of loving some of the front girls, but wanting to see more of my other favorites.  I am desperate to hear a solo, duet, anything from Brittany.  I was lucky before because Kurt has increased his screen time and Santana got a duet.  Brittany is known for her small comments and dancing.  However, she only sings back up.
This cast has everything that a typical idol group has: fame, a TV series, hit songs, foaming-at-the-mouth fans,the really good singers, the really good dancers, the personalities, the comedy, the stars and the support, and oodles of charisma.  I want to see concerts.  Plus the mystery remains... will the creators work in new, younger characters as the others graduate?  The first generation has two more seasons before they have to go.

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