Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Some Girls Should Not Dye Their Hair

It seems when it comes to Japanese fashion and female celebrities dyed hair is the color of choice.  For many they can pull off many or a couple different shades.  However, there are quite a few that should stick to their natural hair color.  This does not mean it looks awful; it might mean that black just suits them better.  (Oh, about this picture of Sayu.  If anyone dyes her hair I will go on a rampage!)  Here are some examples:
JunJun looks okay as a brunette, but (yeah I'm a broken record) she looks ten times better with her natural hair.

Yuko Oshima looks good with her brown hair.  However, I think black hair suits her a little bit more and I believe it matches her personality better.  I've noticed that black hair usually makes the girls look more natural and youthful.  Brunette or blonde hair I think is a little more mature, so sometimes it causes a sexier image.

The most flattering skin tone also makes a difference.  Now this varies a lot, and is not a rule.  Minami Minegishi (right) would not look as spectacular without her black hair.  I want to say it is because of her paler skin.  I think this is also the case for JunJun who has tanned a bit.  But, Haruna looks great with brown hair and she is on the paler side too.  Just a thought.

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