Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Reaction to the 17th Senbatsu Election

I just needed to post the results beforehand.  I'm seriously tearing up from the shock.  Let me be honest I am not completely happy with these results.  Sae held her #9 which is great and I'm not surprised.  I would have been sad if she dropped and happy if she went forward, so nothing special there.  I have to mention now the big surprise... Oshima Yuko beat Maeda Atsuko!  What is wrong with the Maeda wota how could you let this happen!  I love Oshima and all but I love Maeda more, and I can't expect anyone higher in my rankings to take the #1 spot.  I'm happy for Oshima.  I am not happy that Kojima Haruna is above Yukirin and Sae.  I feel like I'm going through the stages of grief...
Okay, moving onto the positive things in my life...
No, let me just say this first Matsui Jurina is ruining my life!  Matsui Rena was above her the entire time AND Jurina was not in the front line.  Matsui Rena was in the front row the entire time.  What is this bullshit!  I call foul play!  (deep breath)

I am pleased that Sato Amina still made senbatsu. I am happy for the Sayaka fans who boosted her out of the danger zone; I didn't care too much. I am happy to see Nakagawa Haruka went from a theater girl to make senbatsu. Okay I can't take it anymore. Not only did Myao end up on the borderline, LOVETAN didn't make it!!!! I'm going to cry in a corner now.

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