Sunday, June 6, 2010

Top Ten Explanation - Round 2

Well, things sure have changed.  Rankings are very difficult because you need to consider their whole body of work, focusing on the most recent.  Do I like their photobooks?  Are they entertaining on variety shows?  If they are in a drama, movie, or musical did I enjoy their performance?  Do they do well in PVs, do they stick out?  Last but not least, the most important thing to me is their stage performance.   
First Top Ten
1. Sae Miyazawa (Team K)
2. Aika Ota (Team B)
3. Amina Sato (Team A)
4. Atsuko Maeda (Team A)
5. Yuki Kashiwagi (Team B)
6. Sayaka Akimoto (Team K)
7. Yuko Oshima (Team K)
8. Erena Ono (Team K)
9. Tomomi Kasai (Team K)
10. Minami Minegishi (Team A)
New Top Ten
1. Sae Miyazawa (Team K)
2. Aika Ota (Team A)
3. Atsuko Maeda (Team A)
4. Yuki Kashiwagi (Team B)
5. Erena Ono (Team K)
6. Miho Miyazaki (Team B)
7. Haruka Katayama (Team A)
8. Tomomi Kasai (Team B)
9. Mika Komori (Team B)
10. Amina Sato (Team B)

#1 - Sae Miyazawa (Team K)
Like the fact that she hasn't changed teams, she hasn't wavered in my heart.  Sae is spectacular in her imperfections.  Even when she is unflattering it is charming.  It helps to have a good sense of humor because even if you look stupid people will love you.  Sae is known as the handsome idol.
Good Points:
-Even though her first photobook wasn't too good, I love her digital ones.
-She made me cry and break out laughing during Infinity.
-Gakuran was my favorite character of Majisuka Gakuen
-She looks good with a surfboard. 
-Danso episode

Poor Points:
- She hasn't stood out during AKBingo! lately
- K6 was disappointing, which included her stage unit

#2 - Aika Ota (Team A)
My loli, swearing, troublemaker, otaku darling.  I'm happy anytime I see you and I can't wait for Team A's stage.  She first caught my eye during AKBRanger when she did her come hither close up and laid on the ground during the group shot.  Since then I have fell in love with her stage units including her adorable 天使のしっぽ and her dirty Kuchi Utsushi No Chocolate.  She had basically three sentences bleeped out during the pool special of Shukan.  I could go on forever.  Did I mention that she has only one dimple!
Good Points:
- Her sub-group is great
-Her surprise solo during AX2010 was endearing.
-Shukan special
- Photoshoots
-She was a lolita, yanki in MG

Bad Points:
-Her newest stage isn't out yet, but that is just a question mark

#3 - Atsuko Maeda
Her voice is so cute, it is like a tomboy 5-year-old girl.  She has great style.  She does so well even though she is extremely busy.  She loves her dogs.  She is quiet.  She is the most classically beautiful person I have ever seen.
Good Points:
- Her fashion sense
- Her photobooks
- Looks and sounds great in Ponytail to ShuShu
- Good job starring in MG
- Great on stage

Bad Points:
- Her role in MG is overshadowed by the other characters
- Her hair is getting too long
- Even though she does well in TV appearances, there is nothing that sticks out in my mind
#4 - Yuki Kashiwagi
It took me awhile to warm up to her.  The first memory of her standing out was her reaction when they punked her on AKBingo!.  Then I saw her photobook, saw her perform, it was love.  She went from I don't care to an absolute favorite in such little time.
Good Points:
- Team B stages
- Photobook and DVD
- Shukan
- The most recent AKBingo! set up
-Her fashion sense

Bad Points:
- She did well in Infinity, but she was my least favorite out of the four stars
- She didn't really stand out in Majisuka Gakuen
#5 - Erena Ono
At first she was my little cutie.  The sweetie of Team K, but then she grew up.  She is still adorable, but she isn't my little idol.  I am dieing to see her latest film that comes out in either June or July.  I love that her voice is still the same.  I just like everything about her.
Good Points:
- I found her role in Majisuka Gakuen interesting and not obvious.
- Her solo (First Love) is spectacular.
- Her photobooks are great
- She is great in films outside of AKB.
- I liked her stage unit in K6.
- I do not mind she gained weight = > makes her more real
- She does a wonderful job in variety shows

#6 - Miho Miyazaki
She has always been high on my rankings, but recently she has shined while others have not.  Her strong personality reminds me of the troublemaker quality that Lovetan has.  She isn't the most good looking, but she pulls it off so you don't notice.
Good Points:
- B5 performance
- Myao, has her own character
- Her first photobook
- MG: The lead yanki lolita

Bad Points:
- Nothing amazing lately on AKBingo!

#7 - Haruka Katayama
She has always been a thought in the back of my mind, but I never bothered to find out her name.  Her stage unit, 純情主義, has always been a favorite.  She is one of the best singers, but you don't see much of her besides that.
Good Points:
- One of the best voices
- The behind the scenes of Infinity
- Her performances in AX2010

Bad Points:
- She is hard to notice in the back
- She has few stand out moments in comparison with the others

# 8 - Tomomi Kasai
She has always been a favorite who is always fighting Tomochin and Mii-chan for my love.  She sometimes looks strange in photos, but I love her.
Good Points:
- Danso episodes
- B5
- Her new unit: Queen & Elizabeth
- One of my favorites in Majisuka Gakuen
- Shukan
#9 - Mika Komori
Thanks to Majisuka Gakuen and B5 she shot up from someone I didn't know to one of my Top Ten.  She is extremely quiet and she looks like she is quiet, but she still has a powerful presence.
Good Points:
- Majisuka Gakuen
- Video clips from members' blogs
- B5

Bad Points:
- Don't see her that much

#10 - Amina Sato
I feel horrible with how far she has fallen.  I just wouldn't feel right leaving her at the third spot if others were being kicked out.  She hasn't been standing out as much as she used to, but I still love her.
Good Points:
- B5
- MG
- AKBingo! Pudding Punishment
- Her blog

Bad Points:
- Only one moment of AKBingo!
- Doesn't stand out as much during stages

The Fallen Few:
Sayaka Akimoto #6 > 25
Yuko Oshima #7 > 13
Minami Minegishi #10 > 11

I feel like I need to talk about Sayaka Akimoto.  This is hard to explain, but she has lost her natural shine for me.  Her performances since K5 seem soulless, like I'm watching a bad actress.  Maybe she is overacting because she is on stage so she looks weird close up.  I thought her digital photobook would remind me that I like her, but it reminded me that I don't really like her.  I want to love her but she turns me off quite a bit.

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