Saturday, October 2, 2010

AKB48 H1 Stage Review

All I have to say, is you gotta love YouTube and the people who upload whole stages and concerts.  Sorry that this review isn't anything spectacular.  I'll do a poll to see what you guys like to read.

Dreamin' girls - ALL
I first heard this song while watching a concert.  I still love the song and believe it is a great opening number.  Although I don't think they should change the choreography, I found the performance lacked luster.  The only difference between the concert version and this was there were more members on stage.  It is nothing you could really change for this stage.

I've also heard this one before, but during the Top 100.  I don't think this is very mind blowing, but it falls nicely into the refreshing idol music.  I walk to class every morning up a big hill so I always listen to positive AKB48 music to wake me up.  It is not that catchy, flows nicely.  It is not interesting enough to be a song or a performance that you can't stop watching or listening to.

未来の果実 - ALL
Isn't this a B-side?  It is a nice song, nice being the key word.  I never really cared for it.  It reminds me of something I would hear from Disney, so is decent but I don't like it.  The performances from the girls are good, but I expect that.  There aren't really any costume changes, so nothing to say about that.  Hm, this so far is keeping the opening numbers on the lukewarm side.  This is something I would envision when I first heard about AKB48 on Japanorama.  Not exactly a good thing.  Cute girls in uniforms singing okay pop songs to an audience of male nerds.
ビバ!ハリケーン - ALL
Another favorite of mine from this stage.  At least they started this section and ended it well.  The dancing is good, the song is great, the performance is better too.  Tomochin is really shining here.  She just kept on sticking out to me.  By the end of the song the girls are really sweating; you can see that their bangs and foreheads are wet.  I bet the group sets are tiring.  Keep it up!

アイドルなんて呼ばないで - Acchan, Tomo~mi, Mii-chan, and Erepyon
Look at this unit!  I think my head might explode from unfiltered cuteness.  Were trainees not in existence at this point?  The back up dancers are other members. . . I think this is wrong, but I bet Sayaka is enjoying it.  I don't care if people think this is a generic idol song, screw you.  I feel like I am eating Unicorn flavored ice cream with fudge, sprinkles, and a strawberry on top.  I think you get the idea.

僕とジュリエットとジェットコースター - Yuko, Haruna, and Rinatin
This is pretty interesting, mostly because I've never seen it performed with these members.  This feels like an early stage.  It has a quaint low production value, more so than the more recent concerts.  I like it.

ヒグラシノコイ - Yuka and Takamina
I love this unit.  Two of the best singers, still to date, of AKB48.  (the best can be arguable, there are a fair amount of strong vocalists)  I can never get enough of this unit song.  Very well done.  Takahashi looks good in the costume.  I don't know how flattering the black version is on Yuka.

愛しさのdefense - Natsuki, Tomochin, and Sae
Tomochin makes a great center in dark songs with a good beat.  I feel like this is very mysterious.  Personally I wish I saw Hana-chan (Gao!) in this, in Sae place.  Sae fits, but not as well.  I love those costumes by the way.
向日葵 - Sayaka, Nonti, Mariko, Mai
Hmm. . . now I want to switch Natsuki with Mai.  Natsuki is a better singer and Mai is more girly, just by a little bit.  Wait, isn't Mai bad with anything too high pitched?  (I think that is why her singles aren't that great, but I like them.)  Okay nevermind, Mai Mai fits in well with the deeper voices.  I dislike Mariko's hairstyle.  Nonti reminds me of a panda.  Sorry, I like the song and the performance a lot.
竹内先輩 - ALL
Another favorite of mine.  It is pretty catchy, and fun to dance to once you know the moves.  It is somewhat awkward when they do leg close ups.   

そんなこんなわけで - ALL
Yeah, a song I've never heard before!  The song is almost there.  It is close to something that would be good, but it is not there.  I like the rocker edge, but that chorus.  I like the bottom half of the costumes, but the top half doesn't match.  Did it make anyone else feel weird that they can rip off a whole uniform that easily?

デジャビュ - ALL
I like this song and choreography much better.  I don't know how to describe it.  It is like an idol song with rock influences and an eerie mood. 
夕陽を見ているか? - ALL
This is such a delightful song.  This is also one of those singles that fits stages well.  I wonder how they decide this.  Did the stage or single come first.

Lay down! - ALL
I didn't know there was a certain.  Oh Mii-chan!  Wow, turn up the sex meter.  Wo!  There costumes look great.  The song is almost there.  I really like it as a whole; if only the song just had a little bit something extra.  I want to by some leather shorts.

Where are their usual costumes for this song?  Those are better!  This song, for me, is best when it is all the members together at a concert.  The song isn't that spectacular, but it is fun with the choreography at a concert setting.   

僕の太陽 - ALL
Another single!  I love this song.  I still hate those costumes.

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