Saturday, October 2, 2010

AKB48: Quanity over Quality?

Everyone has a right to their own opinion.  As you expect when a rival becomes popular the haters start raving (Twilight and Harry Potter).  Sometimes, or in certain aspects we can agree that it is deserved (Twilight and Harry Potter).  Now I am not saying that the rivalry between Harry Potter and Twilight is the same in this situation, it is not (just an example).  So I thought I could go over the main jabs I've heard towards AKB48 (from not only Hello Project fans).  I am extremely biased.  AKB48 is my favorite artist, but I consider myself an honest person and I try to keep an open mind.  (Like how I love Twilight but it is not anywhere as good as Harry Potter, especially in terms of writing.  Twilight is entertaining, but lacks quality.  As for the movies: it says something when the original director leaves because she wants more time to work on a script.)

Quantity Over Quality:
This is an easy suggestion to make, because they a duh have a ton of members.  When I think about one of the great things about AKB48 is the fact there is a member that everyone can like.  What about variety people?  When you are not familiar with a large girl group (like Idoling!!!) you can just say oh there are all the same or something along those lines.  You don't see the individuals that well.  They don't let just anyone join.  Each girl has their own look, personality, and sound.  Not everyone who is talented has what it takes to make it as a solo artist.  Could you see every member of Berryz Koubou or Morning Musume as a solo artist?  Does that mean they are any less talented.  Kei-chan has a great voice and personality but she would never stand a chance by herself.  To be a good solo artist you need to be moderate, that is not the right word.  You need to be likable on a broader scale in order to be popular.  Are you forsaking quality when you put Maeda Yuuka with the rest of S/mileage?  Some solo artists are great in a group, like Miki Fujimoto.  A group also supports growth.  Why does your group lack variety?  (I know I didn't argue that they are quality specifically, but that would take one post in itself and would a pain.  I am just going to argue against the theories.)

They Look Like A High School Talent Show:
Now that is more of a concern with the production: costumes and sets.  And that is just a cheap shot.  I'm sorry K-pop that they don't look like the Pussycat dolls.  Some of us like it that way.  Just because you have higher production value to your music videos don't make you better.  I like that they remind me of a high school musical.  They let their character shine so it is like watching your friends.  Why do you think we care so much about their position and amount of screen time?

They're Just Pseudo-Girlfriends:
Okay that is true, but what isn't like that?  Every celebrity from any country fills that fantasy need for a fake relationship.  AKB48 is just more honest about it, and what is wrong about that.  No matter what they do, fans will fantasy a relationship with them.  Maybe we should not let fans know about who they are or their personalities.  Why don't we just do artists by robots?  Who the fuck cares?  People do this even outside of celebrities.  What you never thought about what it would be like to date someone in your class?  People are lonely and even if AKB48 didn't exist wouldn't change the way things are.  Stop looking for excuses to dislike them.

They are Not as Pretty:
I've heard this in relation to Hello Project.  Why are you being so shallow?  Yeah, on average I think H!P has more amazing looking members, based on no actual calculation.  What?  Would you rather they let in prettier girls with less talent, or do you want them to undergo surgery?  No one is that fugly.  It is not like every member of H!P is talented and drop dead gorgeous, besides beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

They're Slutty/ Just There To Flash Their Panties in Front of Middle-Aged Guys:
Why do you have to make everything so dirty?  Just kidding, but guess what?  Some people, including me, like things a little dirty.  Sex is a pretty hot topic in life in general.  Romance and sex are on the minds of both men and women as soon as they hit puberty, romance even sooner.  So a girl group expressing what their generation/ age-group is feeling or fantasizing about is a horrible thing.  It is not like they tried to be child role-models and then turned into a controversial group (cough Miley Cyrus).  During a poll on who different demographics considered their favorite artist in 2010, AKB48 made the Top 10 for the teenage demographic.  Not the middle aged men demographic.  You wouldn't be making as much of a fuss if you were (or if they were) from France.  In Europe they don't have their sexual emotions pent up.  Stop being a prude.  It is not like they have them on a naked beach in a PV.  Yeah most of them are under aged.  I haven't seen any nudes released (except for some semi-nude but you didn't see anything besides side boob).  They aren't even being too provocative.  You can be extremely sexual and explicit with clothing on, plus everyone wears bikinis now a days.  The lingerie covers more than the swimsuits do.  I've gone over this already.

Please Don't Troll. . . I'll Delete Them (。_°☆\(- - ) バシっ!

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