Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Many Ways Idols Hold Their Mics

I just like this picture.

Have you ever been watching a concert and notice how some idols grip their microphone.  I've noticed quite a few in the past, then I was watching a performance today and I saw another one.  It might be me because my mind can easily wander (I can't walk anywhere without talking to someone or listening to my iPod).  I don't know if there is any technical or typical terms for these, so I'll just describe a few.  In the comments share an idol who caught your attention with their grip.  If there is one I didn't mention, give it a cool name too!

Sophisticated/ The Pinky:
It is when they just stick out their pinky finger.  When I think of this position I think of Momo from Berryz Koubou.

Evolution/ 3-tier:
This is when their last two fingers gradually extend farther away from the microphone.  This causes there to be three levels to their hand, which is why I call it that.  There is no one who reminds me of this grip in particular.

Double Grip:
This is when you hold the mic with two hands.  (Kashiwagi is the one doing it in the picture.)  This usually goes on and off because they use the other hand for choreography.  Tomochin is the one who I catch pulling this move.

Death Grip/ Standard:
The ordinary one hand hold.  No fingers extended, nothing special.  I have no one in mind for this one because it is common.

Aitakatta/ Rock Out/ The Cricket:
This is when the pinky and index finger are extended.  The thumb may also stick out or be positioned in the non-standard position.  Today when I was watching Mayuyu perform First Love I saw her stay with this grip most of the time.

The Downward Facing Dog/ Drinking:
This is more like a position that they hold their mic, not so much a grip.  It is when they hold the microphone angled down to their mouth.  When you hold your microphone in the standard way the butt/ end of it should be pointing straight ahead or dipped slightly down.  I call it drinking or sipping some sake because it is similar to the gesture I make to suggest they've been drinking, but with my fingers extended like shaka.  This is Haruna Kojima's signature.
The Vibrato:
It is when they move their fingers while singing.  One of the graduated members of AKB48 used to do it.  I can't recall who though.

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