Sunday, October 31, 2010

Q10 Review

Thanks to the wonderful fan subbers of ViiKii the first couple of episodes have been subbed in English, and some other languages too.  Ah, the internet helping me procrastinate from studying ever since I got a laptop.  I've watched the first episode and a little bit of the second episodes.  I agree with some of the others fans that it reminds me of Chobits.  However, like most Japanese TV shows, the sexual element is to a minimum.  The story follows a high school boy who is recovering an illness, which we will probably learn more about in future episodes, who awakens a pretty robot.  Forced in less than 30 seconds to give it, played by Maeda Atsuko, a name he names it Kyuto (pronounced like Cute and a combination of Q and 10).  The headmaster who finds her and his homeroom teacher insist that he need to look after her.  She has no previous knowledge/ data recorded so he tries to teach her and keep her out of trouble.  And as you expect, feelings develop.

Acchan is absolutely adorable and fits the role of a robot perfectly.  She is my favorite part of the show, but I'm biased.  I've seen the male lead in the drama about butlers and didn't like him at all.  I didn't find him good looking and didn't care for his character.  However, with different hair he is better looking.  Unfortunately, to give him depth they made his character into just another teenager, which I guess is realistic but not that much fun to watch.  Thanks to Acchan he lightens up a bit when he starts to get a crush on her.  (He is really cute when he drinks his juice box.)  Then to make things even better we have all the fun side-characters who bring opportunities for Q10 to learn and some extra humor.  Like the fact that there is an otaku and a wota characters in their class.  The only thing I am worried about is that this isn't based on a manga so the plot development may not be amazing.  Most dramas have a similar plot style or concept even if based on a manga, but I find that if there is a popular manga behind it the development of the characters and the story tends to be better.  So far I love it, so I recommend you watch it.

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