Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Grave Warning from AKB48 in the Beginner single.

With the release of AKB48's latest single, there has been much press over the controversy surrounding the pv and the projected sales of 10 billion copies with almost each man woman and child on Earth buying both editions of the single, but amongst all this hoopla the important message of the B-side singe, 僕だけのvalue, has been lost. This song, much like the a-side song of the previous single, Heavy Rotation, is another educational song demonstrating AKB48's deep commitment to public service.

Japan has has a history of being a nation that devotes much of its media to warning humanity of the dangers that come from outer space. Japan has long called for world unity under the auspices of the United Nations to protect humanity from any number of threats be they the Meltrans (Zentradi), Gamilas, or スペースゴジラ(SupēsuGojira). These warnings have been timely, well reasoned, and wonderfully rendered in various media formats. AKB48 enters this Japanese tradition of preparing us for the many varieties of the threats from above.

AKB48, with their pv for 僕だけのvalue, has taken a similar path to many of these other warnings and points out to us that many on Earth are not prepared and are even complacent to these threats. (Warning, spoilers ahead!!!) In the pv for 僕だけのvalue, AKB48 shows that most teen girls are too preoccupied with such things as their fashionable socks, mobile phone messaging, personal rivalries, and winning marathons to know the dangers of space eggs falling from the sky. In the pv, various members of AKB48 act out scenes involving the aforementioned events, only to be suddenly and disturbingly confronted with the dangerous space eggs falling from the sky. Much like cluster bombs the U.S drops on civilians across the world, these dangerous alien droppings are colorful in ways that unwary fanciful young women might find delightful.

Chillingly the ladies from AKB48 ignorantly dance among these alien invaders, and much like children tricked into touching a cluster bomb by its bright color, the teens smile and play with the multicolored alien space eggs. The pv becomes a message of complete horror as several of the girls, in their ignorant complacence that can only be blamed on the adults who did not prepare them for such dangers, take the eggs into their mouths and ingest them. Anyone familiar with the danger of alien invasions would know that this is exactly what the aliens planned. The pv ends with the girls smiling happily as the alien spawn incubates inside their firm and youthful forms.

Always conscious of public sensibilities, AKB48 leaves the worst of the horror off screen. Not wishing to too frighten their younger fans with chilling scenes of AKB48 members mutilated in horrific ways, the pv does not show the aftermath of ingesting space eggs- the inevitable bursting from the young woman of several grown alien spawn. Still, even without this grotesque violence that would inevitably follow from ingesting space eggs, the pv is a chilling reminder to the people of the world that we must teach all of our children not to eat neon colored things that fall from the sky. One might taste a rainbow on that day, but the next you will be watching a young alien monster eating your intestines on the floor before you.

This was another powerful and important message from AKB48 and we should all thank them for reminding us of the dangers and horrors that come from beyond the sky. If we do not teach our children, they may suffer such a horrific fate as this pv shows.

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