Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Berryz Koubou PV Review

When I first saw the promo picture for this single (the outfits basically) I thought that it didn't look so good.  However, it is my favorite part of this single.  The outfits, mostly Yurina Kumai's, looks fashionable.  I guess it is mostly Yurina's, the rest are just different silhouettes with the same fabric.  Yurina looks amazing in this single and shines as one of the centers.  I liked to think of her as the gentle giant because she was always the really tall, thin girl shoved into the back or side of the dance formation.  She has never looked so good.  The cool rocker image suits her nicely.  But that is all the good things I have to say about this PV and song.  The song is what you would expect from Berryz and has nothing that makes me want to hear more.  After listening once I was good.  The backdrop and storyline fit Berryz image but not the costumes.  Here we have dark, edgy costumes and nothing matches it.  They play ping pong and hide and go seek.  I've assumed that Tsunku has given up on Hello Project (except for S/mileage) and is letting them keep chugging away without a conductor.  The fact that Tsunku isn't even trying anymore is sad because Hello Project does have a lot of talent that would fit greatly in other, better treated, idol groups.

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