Monday, October 18, 2010

AKB48 YYG Concert (No Surprises) Review!

This is going to be something hard to tackle.  My torrent downloader or the files don't work, or something.  Therefore, I am going to try to find each performance on YouTube.  I'm going to do all three in this one post.  If they do a singles section that is the same for each set then I will review the first set and skip the rest.  I also provide a link to every performance that I review.  Enjoy!
First Set:
Nakinagara Hohoende (Oshima):
If you follow me, or have just read my past concert reviews, you know I have some pretty strict beliefs on how you should organize a concert.  Now a solo song by the member who just won senbatsu is 100% fine by me.  The only thing is I wish it wasn't a ballad.  They get all pumped with the overture.  Anyway, she was perfection as always.  Did anyone else think superman with all the crystals?  Seeing a squirrel perform such an elegant song is slightly humorous.
Nagisa no Cherry (Maeda At, Yokoyama, Oba, Nagao):
I see how this is going to so.  We will get to see units led by each top member in order of their ranking.  Is this really the song we are going to see?  This isn't that good of a song, but they always perform it in concert.  I guess her other unit is performed just as much.  I love the fact that Acchan can sparkle so brightly, but still looks like she is shy.  Oh look, future Team K member is there.  Is her girlfriend there too?  Two for two!  Both Oshima and Acchan have used the stage.  Another one of my rules.  When there is so much space/ of an elaborate stage I believe you have to use the stage.  Acchan has such a childish voice, but it sounds stronger than it used to.
Manatsu no Christmas Rose (Shinoda, Nakata, Maeda Am, Matsubara):
These are the pros performing their popular units, so of course the girls are on top of their game.  See this is when I can make exceptions.  It makes sense to do small units to open with.  We went from winter to summer back to winter during a not winter concert.  Only idols can make me enjoy Christmas music.  I love that even when Mariko is not very excited she is still fun to watch.  I can't think of much else to say because I'm calm now.  Idols can do that to me.  Ah~
Seifuku Resistance (Itano, Ono, Nito):
At first after Tomochin dyed her hair brown I didn't like it.  It was too sleek for my taste in comparison with the sparkling gyaru she once was.  Now I love her again and she is wining me over more and more.  Tomochin just has this attitude that I love.  Not to mention I adore the other two and the costumes.  For a moment Erepyon made me think of Aibon.  I know I am not saying much about the performance.  I loved it.  I love this unit.  I can't wait to see what it looks like now with Erepyon's replacement.
Pajama Drive (Watanabe, Hirajima, Nakagawa):
These are the top and they are on their game.  Plus, these are some of the most performed units for each one as a center.  Nothing unexpected happen.  It was great.  I bet it was great sitting in those front seats.
Bird (Takahashi, Kitahara, Sashihara):
If I didn't know what the whole setlist was I would be wondering how much of the senbatsu we would go through.  It is like an extra bonus for those who make it to the top of the rankings.  The lighting and staging is great.  I bet it is wonderful to have them so close to you, even if their backs are to you most of the time.
Heart Gata Virus (Kojima, Takajo, Sato S):
I thought I heard something went wrong with Kojima's mic.  I didn't see anything.  In fact she left her mic before she usually holds a note and her voice went with her, which makes me think that this wasn't lip synced.  I love Sumire's hair.  It is in either a giant bun or two pigtails.  I'm not surprised she got picked up by an agency really early on.  I wonder why Tsunku didn't want her.  Her singing sounded good during the audition, but I heard in the forums that she doesn't have a strong voice.  Hmm. . . This is the first unit that looks less than perfect.  All three are pretty popular, but they were really never together for the hand gestures.  I guess that is not as important, but it looked sloppy.
Kuchi Utsushi no Chocolate (Kashiwagi, Oota, Uchida):
Yukirin has such a gravure body.  This is the most deliciously dirty song ever.  They look so cute, but it is all so nasty!  Why is Uchida there?  I get that Natsumi was in Pajama Drive so she couldn't be in this, but Uchida isn't on Team B anymore.  Maybe she would sub for this unit too during B4.  I love Uchida.  I love LOVETAN.  Oh, and you too Yukirin. The smokey stage is a nice touch.  We are getting a lot of variety here.
Kiseki wa Ma ni Awanai (Miyazawa, Nonaka, Yonezawa):
I still hate the chorus.  I like the costumes, the members are pretty good, but that freaking chorus.  The rest of the song is decent.  I guess this is the only unit where Sae is the center.  Whenever someone puts up a finger I always think it is the middle finger, then I am like oh no its not.
Omoide Ijou (Matsui J, Kinoshita, Hiramatsu):
So I still don't like Jurina, but I adore the other two SKE48 members.  Why are Jurina's units always like nails on a chalkboard to me.  I much prefer the other two's costumes as well.  Meh, but it is Jurina's and the song's fault.
Kareha no Station (Matsui R):
I love Rena.  I love the song.  It was voted number one out of all SKE's songs.  It just wins.  I know Jurina is their ace, but I much prefer this princess.  There sure are a lot of angles.
Candy (Kasai, Masuda, Sato A):
I loved pretty much every unit from B5, especially this one.  Oh god, what am I going to vote for for the Top 100!  How did Tomo~mi get voted so low for the ideal girlfriend poll!  Did I mention this was perfection!
Gomen ne Summer (SKE48 Senbatsu):
It is senbatsu performing a single.  What do you expect.  They typically look exactly the same.  I don't know about the backtrack.  The girls are all pretty high pitched, and then the backtrack isn't.  It sounds off.  I smell Nachos!  (nothing to do with the concerts)
Shoujo wa Manatsu ni Nani wo Suru? (SKE48 Under Girls A):
This is the first time I heard the whole song.  I like it.  Leave it to the Under Girls to give the fans what they want.  One of my favorite SKE members is the center.  Two thumbs up.
Nattou Angels (Nattou Angels):
And they are back!  Next time go a little easier on the lasers guys.  I don't know what to say in these things!  I love the song, well it is okay, but I love the girls!  Myao is in pretty good shape but you wouldn't know it from the costume she is wearing.  How is she going to change for Nattouman?  Oh wait, they are probably going to have an MC.   
Nattouman (Nattou Angels Z):
I think I might like this unit more than the original.  It is nice to see the younger members being promoted.  Oh you guys graduated from high school?  Well, bye bye.  I like the little showdown, more like rejection.  You've been dumped!
Seishun no Flag (Watarirouka Hashiritai):
I bet there are some people out there who are like 'I'm going to kill myself if I hear another song with the word youth in the title/ song.'  I'm not one of those people.  They are all so cute.  It seems I have forgiven the new girl, but I was never really that upset about it.  It kind of shows that even though their policy is strict, they don't really care too much about it.
Miniskirt no Yosei (Mori, Shimada, Takeuchi):
This was my favorite trainee unit which makes sense considering this is a collaboration so the song and everything has to work.  Hmmm, not much else to say about it.  I'm hungry.
Kokoro no Hane (Team Dragon):
Wow, what is up with Tomochin.  She is looking so uninterested in what she is doing.  Haruna's boobs look really big in that get up.  This PV wasn't very good.  I think the performance does more for this song than anything else.
Reset (Team K):
Finally!  We are actually going to see all the members!  K6 is really growing on me, which is great considering how much I didn't like it in the beginning.  Opps someone danced their skirt off.  What are they going to do if Sayaka isn't captain.  Oshima would be the next in line but she is way too busy to handle it.  Sayaka is the perfect Team K captain.
Theater no Megami (Team B):
I've already reviewed all of this multiple times.  First when I saw this stage.  Second when I reviewed the broadcast of this concert.  Argh!  I'm lazy, shut up.
This isn't even a Team A song!  This is from H1!  There are so many Team A songs that I like that we never see in these big concerts, at least not recently.  I wonder what happened to those costumes.  Besides that, it was pretty good.
Namida Surprise (Team A):
They should of just reenacted the PV, but with Team A.  It is Acchan's BIRTHDAY!  woot.   
Aitakatta (Team K +Team B non-senbatsu, SKE48):
I just noticed that the trainees are there too.  This is what I like to see for some of the older singles.  While I understand if the new singles, or the 13th and 17th singles, are performed by senbatsu.  The ones besides that should be performed by some form of shuffle.  Just to make it new and fresh.  It is like every concert the same songs by the same exact members, especially the singles.  I love the white costumes by the way.
Kimi no Koto ga Suki dakara (Undergirls):
Congrats!  You've made it to the singles section!  You've proven yourself popular enough to perform this every concert!  Gotta give the fans what they want.  Plus the management has been pushing these girls quite a bit.  I love this song.
Oogoe Diamond:
I still think those puff things are put on some of the girls in really unflattering ways.  I do like the fact that Rie got bunny ears.  Nothing that out of the ordinary.  Acchan was missing for some reason for most of the song, but it gave Myao time to shine.  I don't know why Myao isn't Akimoto's secret weapon; why is it Maachan?
Iiwake Maybe:
I have the same thoughts about the last one.  I still hate the costumes, but the performance was good.  Still nothing unexpected or spectacular.  Considering I've seen these all performed before there isn't much for me to say.  The single sections are only good if they shuffle them in some way.
10nen Zakura:
See!  This is a lot more fun.  When we have them all together it adds something different than all the times before.  However, I wish they spread out and used the extended parts of the stage.  Get a little crazy!
Again not the most interesting part of the concert if you are not actually there.
Ponytail to Shushu:
I like this!  Even though we didn't see them travel during a song, they are at least spread out.  I think it is cool that they split them up by teams.  For some reason a lot of the members were making silly faces at the audience. 
Kimi to Niji to Taiyou to:
They are chanting Acchan?  I love this song.  I generally always enjoy encores.  I love how the girls traveled during the song; I know I am a broken record.  This was just an uplifting performance.
Lucky Seven:
I do love the song, but I prefer the pirate costumes.  Maybe I'm just tired.

Bokutachi no Kamihikouki:
That is a good encore song.  It is from B5, and the concept with it is that each member writes a message on their own paper airplane and they through it into the audience.  That is a sweet way to end the show.

Second Set:
Yasai Sisters:
What can you not love about this performance.  It is healthy for you!  LOL.  Is tomato even a vegetable?  The Japanese always do a wonderful job with the absurd things.
Tonari no Banana:
That was adorable!  We had a couple stranglers, I wonder what was keeping them.  They kept on focusing on Tomo~mi, not as much on Erepyon.  Erepyon seems a little lack luster for a while now.

Baby Baby Baby:
Moeno has been catching my eye quite a bit.  I wish they incorporated the banana members more.  Besides that, it was a good performance.  I know I am repeating myself here but, I bet this is a lot better if you were actually there.

Gomen ne, Summer (SKE48 Senbatsu) 
Hazumisaki (SKE48 Under Girls B):
I'm enjoying this performance even though I don't like the song.  I guess it is okay.  I could see it during a drama.  It's cute.
Majisuka Rock 'n' Roll:
I love yankees! 
Majijo Teppen Blues:
This is yummy!  That is a nice touch, the little fight scene.  Oh everyone tripped and fell down.  How dramatic.  Intoxicating. 

Yokaze no Shiwaza (Maeda At):
I think I might cry.  But first. . . where the hell did this come from?  It is not from A6, which hadn't premiered yet.  This is a beautiful song.  Please tell me they are releasing an album which has all new songs for just the sake that Akimoto is locked in a room making brilliant music.  I love how people refer to him as a troll (there is no reason behind NMB48).  I am going to be really disappointed if I hear that this song came from somewhere, so it isn't new.  I love new songs!
Temodemo no Namida (Oshima, Itano):
We are going to see if this shuffle gets my stamp of approval.  I've never liked a shuffle for this song.  They only one I liked besides the original unit was when Aki-chan subbed in with Yukirin.  Why do they never wear the original costumes for this song?  They weren't that bad.  I do like the dress Tomochin is wearing.  No it does not.  I knew from the beginning that I wouldn't like this combo.  One needs to have a deeper voice like Yukirin!  Why do they always do this with vocalists who are naturally too high pitched.  Plus, Yuko insists on fluctuating when it is not needed.  It is wonderful during slow ballads because it adds some depth that keeps thing interesting.  Just not for this song!  AGH!
I'm Sure (Kojima, Shinoda):
WTF.  Where the hell DID THIS come from.  Is their dress connected?  This has to be new!  I would know about a yuri song.  O.O  I little messy at times, but I bet Yuko is extremely jealous. . . Why didn't they let Yuko sing this?  
Kimi wa Pegasus (Matsui J, Matsui R, Oya, Yagami):
Hmm.  This is also too high pitched to suit the song. 
Kinjirareta Futari (Takajo, Sashihara):
Are we having a lesbian section or something?  Both are being pushed by the management, and I think they might be some of the next front girls.  It is kind of sad that they came to it so late in the game, at least for them.  Just think they are about the same as Acchan, Takamina, and Tomochin.  They've been front girls since the beginning.  I bet Sasshi is POed because she isn't singing this with Lovetan, but all they get to do is hold hands.  Why don't they at least use our pairings for these songs!  This was a much better shuffle.
7ji12fun no Hatsukoi (Maeda Am, Komori, Oota, Yamauchi, Shimazaki):
Maeda Ami is like Takamina and Acchan had a baby.  She is cute like Acchan, but mockable like Takamina.  One question?  How can you demote Lovetan?  I love the fact that they took this cute unit and filled it with new members, but I spot trainees who are getting as many lines as Lovetan.  This is probably why Lovetan looks so uninterested in this.  Oh Komori, you are so adorable and weird.  I don't think anyone else is as weird as you.
Nagisa no Cherry (Ichikawa + 10th gen):
Oh god!  This is not worth performing in two concerts!  I wonder who the new is Acchan.  NO.  FUCK NO!  The star must be a current member.  I do not except trainees during concerts unless they are back up!
Endroll (Takahashi, Miyazawa, Akimoto, Kitahara):
I'm not a huge fan of this unit, just not my thing.  It is pretty good.  The performance is good, but I wished they went a little easy with the lazers.
Mushi no Ballad (Kashiwagi):
That was actually disappointing.  Yukirin is such a good singer, but there was no feeling behind it.  Plus, I think it would of been better if her voice were lower.  That was sad.  It was good, but not good enough for an emotional song.
FIRST LOVE (Watanabe):
That was lovely.  What do you want me to say.  She is a cyborg.
Kagami no Naka no Jeanne D'Arc (Kasai, Kuramochi, Minegishi, Sato A, Nakagawa):
The shuffle members have me excited already.  I think I am going to explode from the amazingness of this performance!  Three of my top favorites plus two that I really like doing a song that I really like.  LOVE~

Kokoro no Hane (Team Dragon)
Kodoku na Runner (SDN48):
I love this song so much.  It is a really good high tension number.  SDN48 is really shining.  I know this is somewhat of a joke but they could break a boundaries in this industry, which makes older idols acceptable and popular.  They are all so pretty, but wow some are getting pretty old too.  I'm still 18, so 28 is not old but it is quite older than me.  So only old in comparison.  It is just hitting a new stage in life.
Yume no Kane (Team K):
Speaking of a new stage in life.  AKB48 has finally reached a new era.  Where teams aren't formed by merely when you auditioned, but of a certain style.  I absolutely loved this performance and the new teams.  They all suit each other perfectly.  It is just so beautiful!  I can't wait for the new era when original members of the three teams will no longer be the top girls, or at least not Mariko, Oshima, or Acchan.  Matsui Rena doesn't count.  It was spectacular.  
Yuuki no Hammer (Team B):
The one good thing about this is that the jackets are more fitted because they are not hiding other costumes beneath it.  The dancing could of been cleaned up a bit, but they aren't Team K.  I thought it was an odd choice to perform in concert.  I like it, but they did have better songs from their stage.
Only today (Team A):
I loved this song once, but I've heard this song so many time plus there are some Team A songs that I would love to see again.  Now that I think about it.  It would be cool to see, now with the new teams, some old stage revivals.  The dancing during the very start of this song could of also been improved, but I understand why there might of been some mistakes. 

Kimi no Koto ga Suki dakara (Under Girls) 
Oogoe Diamond 
Iiwake Maybe 
10nen Zakura 
Ponytail to Shushu
Kimi to Niji to Taiyou to 
That was a lovely encore song.  It would of been great to catch the end of one of those streamers.  A literal/ physical connection with one of the members.  I feel at peace.
It was great to see all three groups(, AKB, SKE, and SDN) perform together.  There were a ton of girls on stage is all I can say.

Last Set:
Ponytail to Shushu:
That was an amazing way to open the concert.  It was a huge bonus for Matsui because she got a lot of buzz because of it.  She was really good, even to watch.  I know how people don't like the regular pop songs, but this one I really love.
Nusumareta Kuchibiru (Undergirls):
I adore those costumes.  I've realized that this is the first time I've seen this performed.  I know I say I love almost everything, but I really love this one too.
Boku no YELL (Theatergirls):
The song isn't anything amazing, neither is anything else.  However, the girls do a good job at keeping my interested.  I guess it is natural.  I wish they had more theatre girls songs included in the singles.

Gomen ne, Summer (SKE48 Senbatsu) 
Shoujo wa Manatsu ni Nani wo Suru? (SKE48 Under Girls A)
Enkyori wa Poster (Team PB):
Even though this team contains the most members that I like, the song isn't as good.  It is a fun, upbeat idol song, but nothing that I would get addicted to.  The performance was good, but some of the girls need to keep happy faces on during these songs.
Choose me! (Team YJ):
I absolutely love this song.  I wish they did more romantic songs.  I guess they are releasing one in the next single.  I am excited for it.  This concert is just reaffirming my love for Mii-chan.  She doesn't even need to do anything special.  She impresses me just by performing.
Skirt, Hirari (Maeda, Takahashi, Shinoda, Yuko, Itano, Kojima, Watanabe):
Why is it that they never perform with more than seven people for this song.  I know it is because those are the amount of lines available, but it feels lame with so few members.  It is also all the same people.  Over and over.  Can I hear a shuffle!  Besides that, it was decent.  These things get a little dull, maybe if I were reading the subs (I do know the jist of the song). 
Yuuwaku no Garter (SDN48):
I love SDN48.  I really want to see their stage.  This was a wonderful, sexy performance.  I spotted Cindy, who was looking pretty adult.  I guess she retired her crown.
Viva! Hurricane:
This is one of my favorite songs!  Ok, I have a lot of favorite songs.  I basically only listening to AKB48 and some random stuff thrown in.  I should really stop getting excited just because of the song.  Why couldn't that have been a full AKB48 number?  I guess I still liked it, but I was expecting more for such a fun song.

Seishun no Inazuma (Sumire, Tanabe, Takagyo, Hirajima, Oya, Nito, Sakiko, Miyazaki, Amina, Sashihara, Umeda, Kitahara, Uchida, Komori, Fujie, Chikano):
Those RIVER costumes are back!  Well now I get a shuffle!  Why can't we do that with the old popular songs!  I love this song because it sounds like it came out of the 90s. 

Kokoro no Hane (Team Dragon)
Team B Oshi (Team B):
I can never say no to anything cute, so Team B is still my favorite new team.   
Two spazz songs in a row!  Love it.
Tadaima Renaichuu (Team A):
Another great performance.  I would usually complain about how overdone this song was, but it didn't bother me this time.  Maybe it is the different costumes and new team.

Seishun no Flag (Watarirouka Hashiritai)

Lucky Seven:
This is AMAZING!  Those are some pirate costumes that I want to wear.  The leather strap garters are a nice touch.  Only AKB48 can make garters fashion acceptable.  I really want those headbands that are in fashion in Japan.

Kimi no Koto ga Suki dakara (Undergirls) 
Oogoe Diamond 
Iiwake Maybe 
10nen Zakura 
Yasai Sisters
Another song I never heard before!  But I bet this comes from one of their single compilations or something like that.  I am pretty impressed by it.  It isn't something that you would think you would love, but I do.  Maybe it is its simplicity.  Anyway, two thumbs up. 
Namida no Seesaw Game (Undergirls):
This song and I have a weird relationship.  I want to like it, but I don't.  I think the song is really dull and not even catchy, which is what I hope for if it isn't anything amazing.  However, it always fights really hard to earn my approval.  We are just not meant to be.  We want it to work, but we just don't have the chemistry.   

Heavy Rotation (Senbatsu):
After all the drama and things I've said, I find that everything about this single is perfect.  Well, it could of featured the non-media line members a little more.  I could imagine that this is a fun karaoke song.  'I feed you!'  Bravo!  

Ponytail to Shushu:
I don't know about performing the same song twice in one concert, but ok.  Although, it was great to see all the members perform.  It was a good way to end the show.  The End.    

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