Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hmmm, Was That Necessary?

I'm still unsure about what I'm doing about this.  Part of me wants to just ignore it, another says comment back, and one wants to talk about it.  First of yes I'm calling you out, but no I'm not.  Let's see, either don't read it or don't take it seriously.  I'll just go for it. 
Anonymous said...
"Arashi's concerts are awesome. I don't know what DVD you watch... And it's funny how you care for AKB's music and don't care for Arashi's. That's so frickin hypocritical. Just because you "prefer female voices." Lame ass excuse. I think you need to broaden your horizons. I'm not just talking about jpop...but for music in general." 
I know they are awesome.  I basically live next door to an Arashi fanatic (love you!).  Uh... did we just go from sharing our interest in the same group to you insulting what is obviously my ultimate fandom.  On my terf?  This is why I don't know what to do about this, because half of me is like yeah a comment!  The other half of me is oh shit you did not just say that . . . delete.  I have a strict no troll or mean comments policy.  I don't like mean things, why can't we just all get along with unicorns and rainbows.  Part of the reason I'm so strict about it is because everyone tends to be very emotional about this subject and we are known to be very temperamental.  I don't want to project that image.  I just want to be honest and share my opinion.  Now I'm going to respond because I'm thinking like a teacher.  If one person has a question there is bound to be some other people with the same question, so why not clear things up.

First of all, one of the worst insults anyone can say to me is that I'm a hypocrite because I hate hypocrites.  Hate is a strong word; I try my best to not be a hypocrite.  I was being honest in that post.  It was my first post about Arashi and the fact that all I know about Arashi is the members.  I am completely not familiar with the music and I said why.  I have two songs that I've liked so far and they've been on repeat on my iPod for a week (Monster and Lucky Man LOL).  I was being honest about the female voices thing too.  Here are the artists which I bought (myself) full albums of:
Morning Musume
Lily Allen
Ashley Simpson (shut up)
Christina Aguilera
Britney Spears
Kelly Clarkson
Uh Huh Her
Danity Kane
Alicia Keyes
Twelve Girls Band
Black Eyed Peas (1/2)
Utada Hikaru
Justin Timberlake
Cast of Glee (1/2)
Puffy Ami Yumi
The Veronicas
Will Smith
Ayumi Hamasaki
Skye Sweetnam
Pussycat Dolls
No Doubt
Katy Perry

I have male artists on my iPod, but I never purchased an entire album of their works.  You could include The Beatles and Queen on that list because I ripped those from my dad, but then there are two other female artists that I got from my dad too.  I got into Arashi because they are fun to watch.  I don't know a ton about their music, but I sure do like AKB48's a lot more.  I like female vocalists you have a problem with that?  Out of about 30 artists only about five of them can be considered male groups.  Get a shrink in here to tell you why.  I'm girly!  I don't know why I have this preference, but I do.  I'm not a hypocrite, and that isn't an excuse it is the truth.  I like Arashi anyway, if I enjoy their music more than AKB48 then great.  Just being perfectly honest.

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