Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I know how I haven't posted much as of late but I wanted to share another Lecca video, personally I love her voice, her look and her J-Reggae sound. A lot of people seem to be comparing her to Shakira or Cher lately and frankly I have to agree. Her voice is not like that of other J-Pop stars that I've listened to over my recent discovery of this genre.

Her image overall seems to be a lot stranger then those that I've seen and I don't know if that's just her facially or if it's the clothing she wears. I'm aware that other artists, like Ayu have done the one sided tight braids but on Lecca it just seems to fit her more easily.

Strangely Lecca seems to be more unnoticed by the Wota community (at least the ones I know) but I wish to support this great singer/songwriter in the future. Ganbatte Lecca-Sama!

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