Wednesday, April 7, 2010

AKB Top Ten Explanation

I have been in a ranking frenzy as of late. I am most proud of learning the majority of AKB48 members. I said I would explain why I selected my top ten. This is also good for those curious about AKB48.
#10- Minami Minegishi
The troublemaker loli that was my original favorite, the first member that I made an OPV for and learned their full name. She has been moved over to Team K, which I have no argument against. She is the embodiment of sweet. She is always entertaining. She also finds as many opportunities as possible to wear glasses; I L-O-V-E her with glasses. She is known to be the best dancer, but her mannerisms are hilarious! I'm glad she made it into the top ten.
#9- Tomomi Kasai
Miichan and her are in a dead heat to stay in the top ten. Kasai is cute, in the same disturbing (to some) way that Sayumi Michishige is. She also has a fetish for girls dressed as guys, she is known for it in fact. You would think with her high voice that it wouldn't be very good, but she has always done well in Team K songs like Maria. In fact, I think her voice is a nice to mesh with the lower vocals. She was unfortunately shuffled to Team B, which is the most overlooked. (Her plus Mayuyu is going to be way too high.)
#8- Erena Ono
She has grown so much. She was just this adorable kid with a gorgeous voice. She always possessed this innocent and sparkling personality. Some say she is spoiled, which I wouldn't mind if I saw it. It is hitting me kind of hard in the face how much of a teenager she is now. She is coming out with the leading role in some films lately, and I am pumped. I forgave her for enjoying the kiss she shared with the devil spawn (Matsui Jurina of all people). She will continue to be a great asset to Team K!
#7- Yuko Oshima
Akimoto threw her in Team K just to be in the front because of her experience until the other members developed, but she proved him wrong! She contains that bad ass quality that I die for, but then she smiles and sprawls about. You wonder what they say backstage: Damn it! Who put a shot in Oshima's coffee...and who gave her coffee anyway? Yuko! Stop fondling the other members! I feel closer to idols who also adore idols. She works really hard, but besides that HER VOICE! It is beautiful, and then her inflection is perfection.
#6- Sayaka Akimoto
I am always surprised that she ranks this low. She can sing and dance. She is a beast, and is in the best shape out of all AKB48. She works her butt off! She is beautiful and unique. She can take being mocked. I know why she is this low though. She works too hard! She needs to let loose a bit cause she looks forced at times. I hate saying that. I guess that is a good flaw to have. A worthy captain of my favorite Team K!
#5- Yuki Kashiwagi
She has flown to the top like a bottle rocket in my eyes. I mistakenly overlooked her because of her appearance. However, I actually like that she looks different. Unlike the others so far, she has a muted power. She has the voice, looks, style, and charisma that is necessary to be the Captain of Team B!
#4- Atsuko Maeda
The shy and introverted front girl. This would not work out at all if she didn't work so hard. She is a beauty. I adore her childish voice and smile. She is also my fashion guru. I look up to her. She reminds me of the teenage and sexy Nacchi. I think she is a perfect front girl. She doesn't have a very strong personality, therefore she won't ruffle too many feathers. I think that people just hate her for being at the front.
#3- Amina Sato
People hate her for her helium voice. She was the surprise that no one saw coming. She worked incredibly hard to get to the top. I don't know the full extent, but she learned the songs and choreography of each Team. She was just a wreck when she reached the #8 spot. As you can tell, I like voices from every spectrum. I find it classic that she gets herself in these perverted situations. She got moved down to Team B, which suits her more. However, I am worried that the move means Akimoto is going to force her out of the front girls.
#2- Aika Ota
I had no idea who this little darling was till this year, you can even see the post. She has only one dimple, which I find even more adorable. When she sang without any back up during AX2010 MC I about died. Whenever I spot her I make a really dopey face. Although, what puts her over the edge to 'my head is going to explode of cuteness' is the fact that she has the mouth of a sailor. Such a rebellious teenager! She used to live with Meetan, and was nervous to share a bath. SAVE YOUR INNOCENCE! Meetan calmed her down with anime. My head is going to explode! She should be a power puff girl: sugar, spice, everything nice, plus some chemical X! She is very talented and I can't wait to see her mature.
#1- Sae Miyazawa
What can't I say about Sae. She makes me laugh, cry, quiver, and squeal with excitement. MOE~ She is everything to me. I will be depressed if I don't get to see her live before she graduates! I just can't describe how much I idolize her without typing out a whole essay. Thank you for living!

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