Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Don't Judge My Fandom, Trying not to Rant

I am sick of people who know little to nothing about idols who when they see me staring at a photobook thinking I'm a perv. It is not porn to me, but I'm jumping too far ahead.

I've read post after post from wota that we only care about the image and how pretty they are. Their talent is just a plus. I've only read one or two blogs that say they care about the music just as much as the idols themselves. I am trying really hard to be nice and sweet because I prefer being positive.

I care about the music. I care about their vocal ability and sound. I care about their ability to dance. People outside, from k-pop, and within j-pop idol world just keep talking smack about them.
They don't have to brilliant and I won't hate the idol if I don't like a single, because they don't have any input. Yes the packaging matters, but that goes for everything. I will love a song and a performance by a couple of members of AKB48, and I will have no clue who they are. I enjoy Idoling!!! singles even though I know nothing about them. They aren't even drop dead gorgeous. I believe the packaging matters more in the superficial United States. If you don't look good enough you'll be a joke, or never make it as big as the good looking ones. Then there is k-pop. They do go through more training before debuting. Then they all come out: tall, long legs, slender or at least on the thinner side of the spectrum, pretty, good dancing and singing. The more professional, the more cookie cutter.

I got off on a tangent, my bad. I'm just saying, for some at least, the music and talent is just as important as the packaging.

(To end on a good note here are some cute pics. Don't consider this going against my point. They are just really cute pictures. Would you hate me for putting a puppy up instead?)

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