Saturday, April 17, 2010

H!P Bottom Five Reasoning: No Chemistry

As promised, since I have members in the bottom five that i bet people extremely disagree with, I will explain:

#21: Tanaka Reina
I just don't care about her.  Good voice, good looks, good dancing.  She is just nice.  There is just no fire for me.  I like girls who work hard.  It just seems that it is natural for her and she is going through the movements.  Thumbs up, now 1, 2, 3, and wink!  You would think that her personality would stand out, but she couldn't hold Utaban's attention.  Plus, she doesn't make too many TV appearances on her own.

#22: LinLin
Okay, here it is the same thing.  I actually think she is great.  However, her voice and sometimes her personality rubs me the wrong way.  I think it is mostly her voice.  I just don't care for it.  That is my only problem with her.  I feel really bad she made it this low.  If she got more time to show off her personality she might be higher.  Very sad thing to say.  If only I knew them better...

#23: Takahashi Ai
She has a great voice and great dancing skills.  Her personality I like even.  I love Maeda who is also introverted and not all over the place.  Here is the thing.  I would of ranked her lower if her voice wasn't as good.  Her on stage, I hate it.  She has 'I'm trying to look cool' or a smug look about her.  On TV she seems more down to earth, but not on stage.  Even in music videos she is fine.  I also don't like the fact that she hates my oshimen!  This is also a case of no fire.  I don't even like her photobooks.  Yeah she looks nice, but I still don't like it or her.

#24: Okai Chisato
I don't know anything about her.  I don't know about her voice or dance skills.  I don't care.  The problem with her is that she always looks old!  She is just not appealing to me.  Sorry.  I am still giving her a chance to change my mind.

#25: Niigaki Risa
I don't like her.  I just don't!  I don't care for her look or her voice.  Yeah pretty, yeah nice voice.  So?  Plus, her personality...I DO NOT like.  I find her very annoying.  The only reason I don't hate her is because she is talented and she has an amazing pairing with Ai.  She can be funny at times too.  I liked her more when she was younger.  I don't know why.

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