Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Only one person has voted for the poll so far.  I have six subscribers, or is it seven now?  I'm not going to bother checking, yeah I'm lazy, shut your face!  Your Mom?  What was that?

Moving on... Sorry bout the post that wasn't a new post.  Now that I have the new editor I can do the whole 'Read More' thing, so I've been going through old posts and editing them to make things look better.

I am ending Random Image of the Day.  I'll do random RIotD from now on.  I would like feedback if you would like me to re-continue this or the AKBingo! Overviews.  Thanks!

I like the new banner, but Mikitty's jaw is bothering me.  Should I change it?  I was thinking my banner of Ayase Haruka.  Then I would do another side banner for H!P.

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