Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why Idols Don't Date

Or at least why they shouldn't...
Let me start off with saying that I don't have a personal problem with them having private lives.  They work so hard they deserve it!  I was about to have a heart attack after the miniature Sae scandal because I was worried about her place in the group.  I don't want to see idols being kicked to the side of the curb because they have feelings and needs.  I prefer idols that have urges.

Now, I've heard the theories as to why many idol groups have a no dating policy.  The fans can't stand to have their fantasies interrupted by thoughts of someone's dirty paws all over their oshimen.  I can kind of understand that.  I feel protective too.  However, I think there are many better reasons why they shouldn't.

I wasn't ever too sure before where I stood on this issue.  It is difficult to explore it if you don't see an idol, that you care about, in a similar situation.  I figured out that I don't mind from watching 10 Things I Hate About You on ABC Family.  (That is the only show I watch on that channel, except for re-runs of Gilmore Girls.)  My American oshimen is Lindsey Shaw, a little plus is that she reminds me of Sae.  Anyway, I think she is adorable and sexy at the same time.  She kissed her love interest on the show, yes I know it isn't real, but I didn't get upset about it.  Now, I don't know if she has a romance off screen as well, but I don't mind.  BUT, I don't need to hear about it unless she is getting married (so I can wish her the best and be happy for her).

That is just my stance on this issue, but I know some good reasons why they shouldn't besides fans' personal feelings.  First of all, it will distract them from their work.  The majority of idols are stretched thin as it is with TV programs, recording tracks, promoting, musicals, photo shoots, films and dramas, performing live, radio shows, school, friends, rehearsals and practicing, &ct.  Why not add the emotional turmoil and time that a relationship requires.  Oh and they probably should eat, drink, and sleep too.  I've heard about idols getting sick or injured, trying too hard, and the fans can see that.  Then besides that, it is a distraction from their work.  They'll have to figure out their priorities, and with all those hormones they might make the wrong decision.  (Like how Mari Yaguchi wanted to pick the guy.)  Their performance may start to lack, and they'll move down in the group and the rankings.  They always could end up pregnant.  (Worst case, slippery slope, I know.  I'm just giving examples.)

We can also look at examples in the past.  Once very popular Hilary Duff didn't do so well back when she was dating Aaron Carter.  The media made a whole deal about her fighting with Lindsey Lohan.  Then later, she fought over another boy with Nicole Richie.  The media tends to make everything about celebrity relationships, they don't care that much about her and her career.  Plus, how much do you hear about her now?  Jennifer Aniston is only referred to relating to her exs or the fact that she is single.  The media wants scandals, not good role models!  If we let one girl date, and everything begins to be about her relationship and overshadows the other members, then there might be pressure on the other girls to do the same.  Plus, would you not be surprised if the agencies start pushing the girls into these fake romances to get attention?  Let us also consider that not all guys are trust worthy.  And when you have a public life some will try to get near you with bad intentions.

Let's now turn our attention to idol~land examples: the double trouble Kago Ai and Tsuji Nozomi.  Both broke the rules, and both turned out okay.  However, even if it all worked out for the best Tsuji still got pregnant (which we both know wasn't planned).  Kago Ai isn't invited to graduated Morning Musume appearances.  They'll  refer to her, but won't say her name.  Did you love seeing Mari Yaguchi and Miki Fujimoto just disappear?  They are both coming back, after Miki got married and Yaguchi made an apology.  Scandals are never a good thing.  Relationships are fine.

An easy solution is to not butt in, leave them alone, and get rid of any crazy stalkers.  This isn't realistic.  Although, it isn't realistic either for them all to stay single until they graduate.  It is an unfortunate situation.  I guess it is up to the girls.  Which is more important: their career & fans or a relationship?

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