Sunday, April 18, 2010

FACE OFF Poll News (Ending Soon)

It is getting close, W did a complete turn around.  However, Airi still stands a chance.  Now onto the reason for this post.  The time for the nomination for Division48 is closing in.  I think most of my followers are more familiar with Hello Project, therefore I will show some of your options.  If you liked someone from before, you can just look back at the old posts for their name.  I will even take a description.
Revival Options:
Tomomi Itano
Sayaka Akimoto
Tomomi Kasai
Rie Kitahara

New 'SURPRISE' Addition Options... (you are not limited to, who ever you want...really):
Erena Ono

Yuko Oshima

Yuki Kashiwagi

Aika Ota

Megumi Ohori

Mai Oshima

Just put whoever you want in the comments. If I actual receive more than one nomination then there will be a poll to decide who it will be, but there will be no video face off for that one.

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