Wednesday, April 7, 2010

ALL Morning Musume Ranking

I am going to do these in sections, because without a program it would be extremely difficult to rank all current and past members of Morning Musume.
1.Natsumi Abe
2. Sayaka Ichii and Mari Yaguchi
4. Yuko Nakazawa and Aya Ishiguro
6. Kaori Iida
7. Asuka Fukuda and Kei Yasuda
The early years, nostalgia. Nacchi was a constant number one with a beautiful voice and youthful charm. Sayaka and Mari were cute, but always in the background. Yuko and Aya were funny. I prefer Aya's natural, not a typical idol, personality and looks. Yuko was placed so high because she was very entertaining, and I have a sore spot for underdogs. Kaori seemed very needy and showed the personality flaws of being a teen, so she landed lower. I didn't care a fig about the other two.
1. Rika and Yossi (I guess I am going straight to nicknames now)
3. Maki Goto
4. KonKon and Ogawa
7. Aibon and Nono
9. Nacchi, Kei-chan, Johnson
12. Lovely Ai
13. Niigaki
Rika and Yossi had the talent and goofball personalities to share the number one ranking. Rika possess more photobook worthiness. However, Yossi holds a stronger punch to her personality. Maki Goto was young, beautiful, talented, and entertaining to boot (with some help). The youthful Ogawa and KonKon. I find the underdogs charming, but they were still developing. Yaguchi came into her own at this point. The genki, loud, gyaru! The power pair (aibon and nono) were still young. They were funny, but immature. They grew to be wonderful idols in their teens, which is why they beat their senpai. Nacchi sunk to this spot because this was a weird in-between stage for her. The youthful Nacchi at odds with the future sexy, grinning adult. I just found her stuck in weird place, but still a great singer. Kei-chan and Johnson became the classic pair. While Kei-chan became the butt of every joke, Johnson grew out of her bad teenage traits and still retained the oddball quality. Ai-chan was kind of cute and showed potential to be funny like Yossi and Rika. She just never made it there. I didn't care for Niigaki.
1. KonKon
4.Yossi and Ogawa
6. Sayumi and Reina
8. Ai
9. Koharu and Niigaki
KonKon lived up to her expectations at being an inspiration. Eri got her hair chopped off which made her more adorable than a puppy golden retriever. Mikitty has a powerful voice and personality. However, I thought she could of done more outside of Morning Musume. She helped the group, but she should of stayed solo. Yossi and Ogawa were the comedic pair, but neither kept the charm of releasing a worthwhile photobook. Sayumi and Reina were cute and funny. Ai grew in sex appeal but lost her outgoing comedic personality. It peaked through every so often, but she didn't live up to that potential. I still think deep down she has it, but she didn't develop it. Although, Ogawa and Yossi both lost their womanly appeal because of it. Look at Ogawa now. Yossi never had the same appeal, unless it was manly. MANLY! I didn't care for Yossi's hair during this period either. I found Koharu and Niigaki annoying.
1. Sayumi
2. Eri
3. Aika
4. JunJun
5. Ai, Niigaki, Reina, Koharu
Sayumi developed an even stronger TV-personality trait. She grew in beauty as well. Eri kept her puppy dog ways in a different form: being the air head. She gradually traded in her cute looks for a sexy one. Aika is the underdog. People keep saying that Tsunku adores her, but I don't see it. She does not receive any lines, her songs are not impressive, and she has yet to get a photobook. She may look weird, but she is spunky and also reminds me of a puppy. A feisty puppy, that is kinda sexy. Hey, she looked fine in that black outfit (learn your musume) and have you seen her in a swimsuit! I also feel bad that she was the outsider when she joined. Now, JunJun just needs more development. She has proved that she is Utaban worthy, but she never gets enough air time. She also has the potential to be the next Yossi/ tomboy if they let her. The again, she at times has a powerful sex appeal. The rest fade in and out of the 'I like her, like being key' and 'could you please just leave' areas for me.

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