Thursday, September 2, 2010

Calendar Confusion!

I don't know if I should get one.  It is like $35 for five posters that have already been stained by bubbles of the month.  Yet, I still want like five!  I am determined to stop thinking about any that aren't my top favorites, EVEN if their covers look really good.  Not all the covers are out yet either!  Now based on favorites I am left with Amina Sato, Minami Minegishi, Miho Miyazaki, Atsuko Maeda, Tomomi Itano, Sae Miyazawa, and Tomomi Kasai.  I only have covers to go by so that has lowered it done, at this point in time, to Amina and Acchan.  Now, Acchan always pulls off amazing anything, but I already own two of her photobooks.  Then again, Minami Minegishi's cover is okay and she is still my favorite.  Amina looks adorable. AHH my guts are fighting each other.  One is like save money for singles and better stuff!  The other is like MUST HAVE RAWR!  Okay I have decided.  I'm going to save it for the No Sleeves Album and preferably Miichan's limited edition.  Glad we had this talk.

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