Friday, September 24, 2010

℃-ute 2010 Haru ~Shocking LIVE~ Review

I said I would give them a chance.  I was thinking about waiting until their latest concert was released and uploaded onto YouTube, but what the heck.  I know this is old.  Plus, I bet some of you are sick of me talking about AKB48.  So far, C-ute has received the least interest from me out of the major groups from Hello Project.  After watching their dance medley from their latest tour that they showed on Ustream, I decided I should give them a fair shake.  I'm already familiar with most of their singles, which are okay, so I thought the next step is watching a concert.

I don't think this is the best opening number.  First of all, it is basically just Airi singing, which I will get to later.  The thing is the concert is called Shocking Live.  Therefore, the title track should be in the middle towards the end.  I always approach concerts like a story.  Yes, you want to grab their attention in the beginning but it shouldn't overpower the climax.  Morning Musume usually has a fun, energetic opening song to their album so they just use that.  It fits well.  C-ute's latest album was generally weak in my opinion.  It was okay, but... I want to say bland.  Maybe a performance will spice it up a bit, it is what they do most of the time.  Now the costumes are okay.  The giant bows and mini hoop skirts don't suit the song.  I much prefer the costumes they wore during the PV.  I will feel better if they rip those off to reveal another costume under it.  Now onto another reason why something is lacking.  I'm starting to think about things, which I shouldn't be thinking if this was a strong performance and if this was a better track.  Some songs are meant to be solos, or duets, &ct.  The fact that they didn't make it a solo track in the album is because it is a good song for a single.  Then why didn't they have Airi release it as a solo?  For one, they would need a reason, but when I pictured Airi by herself in the PV it is less impressive.  This also suggests, by giving Airi all the solo lines but not letting her release it solo, that Airi is not strong enough to be a solo artist and that the rest of C-ute is dead weight.  Not something I should be thinking.  I wasn't thinking about that during their dance medley.  See what you have done Tsunku by putting the songs in a bad order.

まっさらブルージーンズ - ALL
Hmm.  Methinks it is also too early to be pulling out an old hit.  Methinks you don't like your own album.  Methinks those costumes still don't help this at all.  Their name is C-ute, shouldn't they be wearing something colorful.  They match the stage so well they are starting to fade into it.  This is one of my favorites, possibly the favorite, single released by C-ute and they look as uninterested as I am right now.  I don't like it when groups try to get the audience to shout, especially when they are already doing it.  I think it is mostly I don't like the sound of them yelling Ai!  They started to get a little bit more into it as it got towards the end, but still not a good way to start the show.

甘い罠 - ALL
Hmm.  Methinks I liek this song placement a lot more.  This could of been a better opening number.  Okay wait, apparently I was just kidding.  There are two many breaks in between lyrics.  This is much better, even the costume work well with this.  From a distance with the choreography the fabric didn't look as heavy.  I like that twirl and skirt flip.  Good line distribution.  That was much better.  It would not have placed it after Shock, but towards the beginning is very good.  I wouldn't change this at all.

★憧れ My STAR★ - ALL
Another really good number.  I like how it is after the VTR.  The one thing I would change is I'd get rid of all the fives.  The only time I think it is okay to have numbers on clothing if it is something sports related.  The current members are all really good, and work well as a group.  When C-ute came out it was big enough that it wouldn't bother you too badly, but the girls seemed a little miss matched.  A think this line up is strong.  If only they were produced better.  This is such a waste of talent.

四月宣言 - ALL
I've grown to enjoy this song, but really?  This soon?  I like my slow songs at the end in. . . not those outfits.  A slow song in that little clothing, are sure you wanted to do that?  For some reason all the elements are making me tense.  This would of been a brilliant way to end the show.  It is not that slow, but I like my slow songs at the end.  (I've watched too many stages.)

Lonely Girl's Night - Maimi Yajima
I like the song.  Maimi isn't the strongest singer, but a good dancer so I think it would make more sense to give her a track with a stronger dance component.  Play to your strengths.  Like Natsu Doki Lipstick.  They should really cover them up during slow songs.

セブンティーンズ VOW - Saki Nakajima, Chisato Okai, and Mai Hagiwara
I do like girls in men's inspired clothes, but those are just too realistic.  It looks like the threw on their dad's suits.  The song sounds generic pop, and not a very good one.  I don't understand the song placement at all.  I think I've found a new level of bad.  There is boring, there is BAD, and then there is awkward/ tense/ your making me uncomfortable and I don't know why bad.  If you couldn't tell which one, it is the last one.  I at least like all the members.  I don't understand why this is happening.

ダーリン I LOVE YOU - Chisato Okai
Isn't she one of their strongest vocalists?  It is cute and a good performance, but I don't see what they were thinking.  This all seems poorly thought out.  Now I'll say this again, this is a good performance and okay song.

イメージカラー - Airi Suzuki and Maimi Yajima
This is okay and the performance is good, but it lacks some point of interest.  The most interesting thing is the suits.  Are we going to see some better songs?  This would of been a better place to throw one of their singles or old hit.  See, it is bad when I want to break up the basic concert order (group, units, group).

生きようぜ! - ALL
Now the suits work.  The song is much better, but still not a show stopper.  Without the suits it would be okay.  I have yet to hear a song I could get addicted to.  I've listed to A6 like 50 times and I didn't even think it was that spectacular.  It is sad when I think a stage is more impressive in pretty much every category than a concert.  I expect lower production value in a stage.  It might just be that I have a lower standard, but you're still below that standard.  Let's pick this up!

The Party! - ALL
Cute, each one has a male alter-ego.  Mai's is also Chinese.  This is nice.

Endless Love~ I Love You More~ - Mai Hagiwara
There is my darling!  I am digging this song.  This is just a breath of fresh air because it is Mai being Mai.  Can I call her Mai Mai?  She looks like she is not giving a good performance, but that's just her.  And that's why I love her.  She can be my cutie pie and not even try.  It is really hard to pull that off, and she doesn't have that strong of a personality.  She looks like she just came out of Forever 21.  I love the sailor look; I was happy when that came back into fashion.  Funny how the AKB48 fashion PB had two upcoming trends in it: sailor and military.  Does she remind anyone else of Dakota Fanning?  (Now, not when she was younger.)  Is that a five on her skirt?
君の戦法 - Saki Nakajima, Chisato Okai, and Mai Hagiwara
Are they required to always perform in these units?  Look how cute they are!  I should love C-ute.  Why is it all of a sudden getting better.  They keep on turning it on and off.  I'm bobbing my head and I'm grinning.  It is nice to be content.  KAWAII~

嗚呼 恋 - Airi Suzuki
This is what I'm talking about!  All they need is to give them a good song and a cute costume and let them shine.  And Airi knows how to work it!  Thank you~

I could live without the flags.  Is this really a single?  I would be a good album track, but single not so much.  It is okay.

愛してる 愛してる - Saki Nakajima
You know I can't deny a loli number!  I want to touch that hand!  Can I pet her?  I feel like Amina and Sasshi: they both have a thing for the younger, cute members.  That was be-a-u-tiful.

Forever Love - ALL
Shouldn't they have done this in the suits?  I'm starting to think Minnie Mouse.  I love the song, but those costumes don't suit all the girls or that song.
Jump - ALL
Okay this is better, but Chisato and Maimi still make me see Minnie Mouse.  Now that is how you encourage the audience to participate!  Don't shout at them, good old fist pumping to the song.

Shines - ALL
Here is also a good ending song, which isn't at the end!  But besides that, I am very pleased with this song and performance.  Why don't they let all the girls shine during singles.  There are so few they should give each one a good portion of the solo lines.  They don't really have anything to lose by doing that.

青春ソング - ALL
That skimpy red costume would of fit this song better.  I love energetic idol numbers too.  I'm still happy.

キャンパスライフ~生まれて来てよかった~ - ALL
This singles fits the group really well.  It may not be the best single, even from them, but it is c-ute.  Plus, they are wearing pink.

都会っ子 純情 - ALL
This is another favorite of mine!  They should put more dance stuff in their singles.  I guess they did it with their last one, but I didn't like the song.  Their performance progression is the opposite than what you would expect.  It approves as you get farther along.  Although, these girls should be worried about Momoiro Clover.  Clove has released some cute singles, with intense dance elements.  Their performance is off the wall and it doesn't stop, but they sacrifice the vocals a bit for that.  But, C-ute could use some fresh genki~ness.

夢があるから - ALL
Good way to end the show.

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