Monday, September 20, 2010

I Miss You Morning Musume

You will always remember your first.  Ayumi Hamasaki is who, I consider, my first favorite J-pop artist; I don't really consider her an idol even if it was from her earlier days.  Then, Morning Musume was my first idol group.  Recently, the OG performed with the current Morning Musume on Hey! Hey! Hey! during a special.  I heard something about them being banned.  Is that true, and does anyone know why?  Anyway, It was a great performance, which was a medley of their early (which were also big) hits.  (Notice how none of the songs are new or even included the current members when they were released.)  As expected, most of the solo lines went to the OG members, which probably doesn't bother the fans too much considering we miss them.  Unfortunately (also as expected), any good solo lines that went to the current line up went to Ms. Takahashi (I decided I won't refer to her in informally because I don't like her anymore and that is the Japanese way).  In fact, I would say the current line up was there out of courtesy and as good eye-candy and support for their senpai.  Considering that it is only a special, so there was a fixed amount of singing time, it does make sense that most of the attention went to the OG.  I enjoyed it myself, but I felt bad for the other girls.  Especially, the members that are about to graduate.  I would of given Ms. Takahashi's nice solo lines to Eri.  The members did get some good shared lines with the OG and some short solo stuff, so it is fine.

I still want to see Niigaki and Ms. Takahashi graduate because until that day Morning Musume doesn't stand a chance at evolving.  I think Reina would make a good leader and she still looks young and fresh, so she would make a good transition into a new era.  I think it is sad the Pandas are being forced out considering they never got a chance at the line-light.  They may of decided themselves that it was best to get out now, but LinLin's blog hints that it wasn't her decision.  I'm surprised Tsunku didn't use them for more attention because they had potential to be TV personalities like Shige-chan.  Shige (Michishige Sayumi) should also get more of a push.  I know she isn't the best singer or dancer, but she appears in a lot more outside work than most girls (magazines, TV shows, &ct).  What really got me depressed about the current line up was watching Fashionable, their new musical.  Of course it focused on Ms. Takahashi, but beyond that it was boring.  There weren't any good songs at all either.  (I must admit I wouldn't enjoy any songs if Ms. Takahashi sang them.)  I liked the concept of something fashion related because I adore Japanese fashion, but I was severely disappointed.  It did remind me (and her recent trailer) that I still can enjoy Niigaki's presence.  The plot was partly to blame, and the fact that the group numbers were pathetic.  Morning Musume's recent single made a good fit for the musical, and I actually enjoyed its place there.  (It is still not good enough to be a single.)  I wish the plot was more about the conflict among women.  Even a shallow bullying plot would of been better; I'm a sucker for those.  It seemed the conflict between the members left something to be desired.  I also expected that the members would be closer to equal footing during a musical.  It just reflected the similar state of the group.  Shige-chan got some good screen time, but I think that partly comes from her station as a TV personality.  Just saying.  (I am watching their DVD from when they went to LA and so far it is pretty interesting.  It makes me miss the members, but soon that will change.)
Now last but least, I will summarize and maybe share my thoughts on a recent appearance of Shige-chan on a TV special.  She appeared with another Morning Musume member, but no one currently in the group.  The one thing I have to say is that I wish the other segments, besides Shige-chan's,  were subtitled as well.  It was a two hour special, which is hard so I understand.  However, the focus sounded interesting and Sayaka (AKB48) was present.  They didn't even subtitle the showdown that we hear about.  I do think this is one of my better summaries, if I do say so myself.  It is more than just captions.
Usa-chan PEACE!  Wait isn't there a day for that like every month?  I need to check my post on Usa-chan Peace Day.
They are talking about girls who act differently in front of men than women and ones that don't get along.  Basically, it is about women who are cute and have issues with other women.  She is talking about how she tries to eat small food or small bites in front of men.  I find these open talks fascinating.  Not only because of the humor and watching my darling Mikitty and Shige.  (For some reason every time I hear Shige I think butt, maybe because it sounds like shake a bit.)  Also because they  not only reveal things about Japanese culture you wouldn't always find out until you went there, and general human behavior and communication.  AP Psychology was a good class.  Shout out to Mr. Ray (that doesn't read this).
See!  She explains the reasoning because she thinks it is cute and that concept of cute derives from anime which is two dimensional!  I just thought this would make an interesting essay or example in a thesis about anime or cuteness (LOL).
There is the same old fun of people being shocked by Sayu's behavior.  This one is particularly delicious because you don't only have Mikitty's and the other women's honest reactions but reactions by the guys that don't consider her cute.  Of course, I think Sayu is cute.  She isn't just cute because of her looks, which aren't off the charts but I wouldn't consider average either.  I think cute comes more from behavior and how you present yourself.  Amina Sato isn't the cutest girl on the block, however the combination of her eyes, long hair, style, and mostly her voice and behavior.  It is more about personality; looks do help though.
Mikitty, my favorite frank OG, is acting as one of the hosts.  I have to say her voice sounds higher than it used to be.
Look, Shige is even cute embarrassed.  See how her pinky sticks up slightly and how you can see her delicate wrist.  (Tip for being cute for women: wear your watch on the inside of your wrist/ the opposite side of how you would usually.  Yes, it is harder to show off in general if your watch is nice.  The trick is that when you look at your watch you will accent your wrist which shows off femininity.)  Mikitty was talking about the same subject, but this humanizes Shige.  She isn't perfect and has the same trouble most women have about weight.  I still can't understand how Japanese women hate her so much.  All I see is the act of being a TV personality, even if you don't find it entertaining wouldn't you be able to understand it is for entertainment purposes?
Look of that positioning.  I guess Sayu is someone who is naturally cute.
Oh come on.  Even her little profile pic for this special is unbelievably cute!
Next is Ms. Takahashi behind the scenes info about Shige.  It states that Sayu is actually really quiet backstage and when asked about it she says that she wants to save/ not waste her charm or energy.  (along those lines)  Shock and astonishment by the other celebs.  I knew Sayu was a quiet person.  If you have to put on an act all the time I bet you would be quiet.  Yes, I am sticking with my theory that Sayu is misunderstood and that she wants to be an idol really badly so she makes herself a character for attention.  Even with her being a personality she doesn't get much in Morning Musume.  I think this character gives her more push than the agency and Hello! Project gives her (even within H!P). 
A story about Mikitty and Sayu being themselves.
I do think that Sayu is a naturally cute person, either that or she really knows how to put all the details into her performance.
Now I don't know if this is a twisted story that she includes to project the character, but if it is it is a nice touch.  This would be something that would make me think poorly of Sayu.
This goes back to my theory that she has had issues with bullying and that she is lonely.  There have been polls done saying that she is one of the most hated people by women in Japan.  (Maybe not the most reliable statistic, but it was announced on TV.)  I bet she is really lonely, plus all those trolls on her blog can't be good for your self esteem.

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