Thursday, September 30, 2010

Undergirls' PV and MOAR GRADUATIONS?!?

Sakura Fukuyama (22) will be graduating from SDN48!  She is a second generation member, and she made SDN48's first senbatsu.  I believe they have already filmed and recorded the single that only 12 senbatsu members would perform.  She was one of my favorites!  She will be leaving due to illness that recently worsened.  The single will be released on November 24.  There is currently no set date for her graduation.  ( ̄へ ̄)

It is kind of generic idol song, and PV.  However, it is still good quality (for generic idol).  It gives me the warm, calm feeling that it should.  It is also pure and pretty, so it is a pretty good opposite to the edgy, video game, violence we are expecting for the main track.  It is nice to see so many Undergirls.  Although, with the promotion of Matsui Rena there are even more SKE48 members.  I noticed Akimoto included Manami Oku; Akimoto has referenced her as his secret weapon, but we've yet to see anything from it.  Changes with the usual line-up: Sayaka is not in Undergirls or Senbatsu and Myao has been demoted with Harugon.  Good news is that both Sasshi and Rena will be keeping their sparkling senbatsu positions.  I know this will have a lot of people upset.  I understand why Myao and Harugon have been demoted, because they match the coupling song more than Beginner.  Violence suits Sayaka, but this isn't the first time Sayaka has been pushed down by the producers.  Sayaka was in the Undergirls for the 16th single.  Even though Sayaka has a girly personality, she wouldn't fit in with the song or the rest of the Undergirls.  She might be included in DIVA (which I still have no information about).  Since they've release the coupling PV, it is only a matter of time until they release the full Beginner PV.

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