Friday, September 10, 2010

Why I Can't Stand Takahashi Ai!

If you follow me at all or have read my previous Morning Musume posts you probably know that I despise Takahashi Ai.  I never understood why.  Nothing makes clear sense, but these things never do.  She is a great singer, dancer, leader, and she releases great photobooks.  Is it that I naturally dislike the girl who is pushed to the front?  What really gets me is that I can't figure out when I turned against Lovely Ai-chan.

I thought she was generally funny as a kid, nothing that outstanding though.  Then she matured and I started to like her a lot more.  It started off in concerts.  Just random performances bugged me, from random concerts.  However, at other times I would think she was great.  More recently it has been more, completely, constant.  I can't watch her live!  It has also gotten to the point where I feel it in PVs and PBs.  What is it?  Her conceited look!  I swear she reminds me of the villains in J-dramas.  Her smiling, it is like the psycho chick from LIFE.  I just want her gone.  It doesn't help that she gets the majority of the lines.  I just thought I should explain considering how popular she is.

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