Thursday, September 30, 2010

SKE48 Auditions for 4th Generation Over

Did anyone know that SKE48 was holding auditions?  I probably heard about it but then I forgot about it because I don't follow SKE that closely.  Anyway, they finished their 4th generation auditions.  There were 5,888 applicants, which were narrowed down to 16 girls.  They'll be, as expected, join the SKE48 trainee team.  SKE48 has 42 members, so they only need to fill six spots to reach 48.  (AKB48 at one point did have over 48 members.)  What I am curious about is if they will have three teams.  Is their stage larger so they can accommodate a larger team size?  It could be confusing during events that put the sister groups together if there was two Team Ks, plus Team E sounds odd.  At this point in the game it is unlikely to see another team added.  I hope to see the individual team characters (that AKB48 has) develop.

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