So it's been a while since I've posted a blog but it's time I've added another. While I was away I've been in NYC on a vacation and while I was there it was certainly a MoMusu filled experience! There was karaoke singing to be done and of course I was sticking to all Hello!Project songs I could possibly find! (Which were a lot! Gotta love NY traditional Japanese karaoke bars)
But the highlight of my trip was getting to meet Ai Kago in person! I swear I nearly fainted x__x;
I was visiting a store called BookOff in my search for actual albums of Hello!Project and ended up finding a ton of great CDs, with purchases in hand I went to the counter where the woman working smiled at the CD I had with Aibon on it. She turned to one of the other employees and pointed at the CD (I couldn't see where she was pointing) and I heard the words "Ai Kago" involved in there somewhere so instantly I perk up and ask "Ai Kago?" to which the woman nods and says "Yes, Ai Kago is coming here!"
I have one of those inner moments where I'm skipping through a field of flowers towards Aibon, her running towards me and we end in a big hug...
Flashing back to reality I begin to shake and had to stop myself from squeeing right there. So my friend that I was in NYC with and I decide that we should stay and at least see Aibon, I mean, IT'S AIBON!
So we waited for her to arrive and the whole time I'm shaking and nervous and overly excited. When she finally arrives I was talking with three other MoMusu fans who all round the corner with me and we all see that it's HER! So everyone is trying to take pictures of her from afar and we were scolded by one of her entourage. She was distracted but then they went down the stairs to take more photos. The group of us in a panic think she's going somewhere so we all "chalantly" follow, "OH! I WONDER WHAT IS DOWN HERE!? ANIME! WHY I LIKE ANIME!" We proclaimed extremely non-chalantly.
As we stood down there the group walked past us including Ai Kago who looked at us and smiled. We all assumed she was leaving at that point and we were amazed she smiled at US, she acknowledged us!
So we all follow upstairs and continue to get excited over our seeing someone so amazing in person! But as we're talking one of the members of her entourage came over and asked us if we wanted her to sign CDs of ours! Of course we all jaw-dropped and nodded. She returned to over by us and smiled and asked "Do you know Ai Kago?" I was the only one to respond, "I LOVE AI KAGO!" To which she seemed very impressed by our knowledge of her, I handed her my CD to sign and she recognized herself as a picture from when she was much younger (Around the time of MiniMoni with Marippe) and laughed, looking like she didn't like it, I assured her "No! Kawaii!" which prompted another smile from her, then my friend asked the best question, "Picture?" and SHE ACCEPTED! So not only did I get a CD signed by her but I also got to have a picture with her!?
A moment later, after signing the CDs she and I were standing next to each other and got one picture but before they took it with my camera I turn to her and ask "W?" Another flash of her smile and we did it! (Although I'm ashamed to admit I didn't do the pinkie crossing so it wasn't as great as I had hoped but I was filled with giddyness anyways so I'm not dissapointed!)
After pictures were taken she shook my hand, prompting more shaking on my part, and indeed one of my newfound friends couldn't even shake her hand without shaking visibly!
All in all it was an amazing experience and a completely random moment of amazing luck! As Aibon tours New York or wherever else her travels take her I wish her lots of luck and success as her new singing career continues!
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