Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mina tries Out a Survey

I got this survey from Ha~Pi Disco who found it somewhere else.  I just want a little break after I finished my classes, before I start studying.  By the way, I highly recommend you listen to Plastic Flower by Lena Park.  I know it is not J-pop, and I don't know if she is an idol either.  I'll throw in some pictures as I go to make this a little more fun.   

1. You have found a magical J-pop genie who will grant you one J-pop related wish (so no wishing for a million dollars or world peace or anything like that). It can be virtually anything as long as it’s directly related to J-pop, and don’t worry, because this is the nice sort of genie, not the kind who will try to find a loop-hole and screw up your wish. So, what do you wish for???
This is hard there are so many little fantasies that I could fulfill!  I become a better singer and when I go to Japan I audition and make it into AKB48 (first foreign member Booyah!).  I, because I would be in my early 20s by then and a gaijin, would be promoted to a team quickly.  (I mean there are quite a few girls who would probably be graduating by that point anyway.)  And as a little bonus, could I become close friends with at least a couple of my favorites? Is that too much?
The other possibilities are that all of AKB48 comes and does a large concert in Madison, not when I am busy, I meet one of the members and we fall in love and get married, I become the manager/ founder of an American AKB48 group.

2. Is there any J-pop artist or group who seriously pisses you off? If yes, who, and why?
Not really, but Morning Musume, I find, is really frustrating.  Does that count?

3. Who do you think is the sexiest japanese singer out there?
Tomomi Itano

4. How about the cutest?
Amina Sato

5. Best personality?
Minami Minegishi

6. If given the opportunity, would you rather date person 3, person 4, or person 5?
Amina Sato!  We can cuddle and I wouldn't care if she could cook or not!  Either way she would be too adorable to withstand. 

7. You work for a Japanese music magazine, and you have the opportunity to interview your favorite artist or group. What are a couple of the questions you want to ask them?
How do you feel about the sexual harassment that goes on between the members?
What was the most surprising moment you experienced with a fan?
If you voted for the overall leader of AKB48, who do you think would win?
Name at least one pro and con to the shuffle of the teams.

8. What’s the best (J-pop) song to listen to when you are really sad?
'LIFE' - Mika Nakashima or 'Relax' - No Sleeves

9. When you’re really happy?
'Seishun Girls' - AKB48 or 'Omakase♪Guardian' - Guardians 4

10. Do you often sing along to your favorite songs?
I kind of do, but I am more likely to dance to them.

11. How about dance?
Even in the car, but then mostly hand choreography. 

12. Artistic integrity question!! If someone offerrered to pay you for blogging, but they were allowed to censor some of your opinions or veto some of your blogging ideas, would you do it?
Sure.  I could always blog somewhere else with the things that get vetoed and it always depends how strict they are.  I've worked on a school newspaper where someone could censor my ideas or edit out something, and I didn't always agree with it but I'm being paid for it.  You don't do and say everything you want at a job do you?  (I can always quit.)

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