Saturday, September 4, 2010

How To Get Into AKB48

AKB48 is the number one female pop group in Japan and you might be familiar with the group but having trouble getting into the group.  You might be a fan of a different idol group and don't want to waste your time or just want to check it out to see if you should devote more interest.  This is the same with any idol group.  It is one thing to be a fan of a just regular artist because what they mostly produce is music and concerts.  However, idols are not just their music but also a personality.  AKB48, especially, is intimidating for someone not familiar with the group.  There are 48 members!  Then if you include their trainees and sister groups, that is a lot, even I don't bother with trainees.  So basically, as a fan, I want to give you some helpful tips so that you can learn/ be introduced in as little time as possible.

Step 1: The Music
If you've just heard the name or some buzz and you want to know what all the hullabaloo is about, simple, just listen to some of their singles or watch some PVs.  It is also good to watch them with subtitles if you do not understand Japanese.  Watch any PV, don't worry if it is the Undergirls or the Senbatsu members.  Watch random ones.  Start with the 13th single and then go back to the 4th.  If the screenshot on YouTube looks interesting to you, take a look.  They may be idols, but their primary job is the music.  You could watch a performance from a concert or stage.  If someone catches your eye good.  You can look up her name later.

Step 2: Concerts
They've got your attention or your still unsure, but you want to give them a fair shake before writing them off.  I suggest watching a concert.  Now I don't mean one of their stages.  I want you to hold off for a little while on that one.  For your first time I recommend the first concert tour or NHK Hall Shuffle Concert.  The first concert tour only has Team A and Team K, plus a ton of the graduated members.  The NHK Hall Concert has all three teams, graduations, and a little bit of SKE48. 

Step 3: AKBingo! or Top 100 Concerts
I suggest you watch some of both but you can watch whichever you want first.

AKBingo! is their own variety show.  The name has been changed around a bit before they got to the current name, so AKB1ji59fun! or AKB0ji59fun! work as well.  There are some segments that aren't as fun when you can't understand Japanese, but then there are tons that are.  If you do prefer subtitles then the most you've got is some random clips that are floating around (I've made some posts in the past so you can just search the blog) and the Cosplay Battle.  (If you enjoy that then watch the Danso episodes, but there won't be subtitles.)  There are probably multiple places you can download them.  I got mine, direct download, from JPHIP.  There are also Shukan and Nemosu, but I don't find those as entertaining except for some special episodes. 

The Top 100 Request LIVE
You'll get the best of both worlds.  The favorite songs, voted by the fans, of both singles and stage songs.  You'll see the graduated members return, members in big group numbers, and small units.  Now which year would I suggest?  Both 2010 and 2009 are very good and surprisingly different.  I personally like 2009 the best because it contains my favorite stage era (B3, A4, K3, and H2).  Then you'll get another bonus when you see the #1 song.  Now 2010 was the year of sub-groups and singles, in my opinion.  There is a little overlap.

Step 4: TV Dramas and Senbatsu Election
By this stage you should at least watch Majisuka Gakuen and or Mendol Ikemen Idol.  Some members will definitely make an impression on you.  I would also suggest watching at least some clips from the last two senbatsu election.  Oh and check out some other video clips of the girls.  Watch the swimsuit special of Shukan or any other special episodes.  Basically watch the girls kick the crap out of each other, cross-dress, cry, and go through public humiliation for your entertainment.    

Step 5: Stages!
Why would I want you to wait till the very end to watch what is the unique thing about AKB48?  Well... because it is unique to AKB48.  When you are used to large scale concerts and event lives then a stage seems wholesome.  It is on a smaller scale.  At this point you should like AKB48 and have some favorites.  Not all stages are equal and it varies on who you ask.  If you have a thing for lolis (young, cute, troublemakers) then watch a Team B stage.  You want the classic idols then Team A is what you want.  How bout some good dancing and rocker edge, Team K should suit you fine.  Not every stage has all the members, but usually the first and last one does.  If there is a member that you can't get enough of, then you should watch their birthday stage.  As I said before, my favorite stages are B3, B4, B5, A4, K3, H1, H2, and any of the earlier stages are fun to watch too.

I hope this guide was helpful.  Don't worry yourself about learning all the members' names right away.  Learn them along the way, and then work on the ones you don't know.  If you've actually completed each step, congrats you're a fan.  If you did and you still don't like them then why were you still watching.  If you don't like them then its fine, but stop.  You could be using your time better.

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