Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just Want To Say That I Miss You. . .

Koorin, Kaoru Hayano, is the only idol that has ever made me cry during a past graduation.  (I was just watching an old concert and it happened to be her graduation concert and I lost it a little bit.)  She left to become an actress and I still miss her.  I wish she would do more Jdrama, and that Erepyon won't end up in the same spot.  She has a radio show, at least that is what I've heard.  I just wanted to say that I miss you.  You look good.


What do you need in order to become a fan of Arashi?  Apparently, all you need is a friend on your dorm floor who is a raving fan, a Japanese TA who uses members as examples, a love for Jdrama, and sprinkle in some other predispositions.  Tada!  I know every member of Arashi without even trying.  See that picture.  That is on my door of my dorm.  But, so is this. . .
I put it there, so that may be cheating.

I was aware of Arashi's existence, but I never got into it before.  First off, because it is a boy group.  Not like most reactions where they might think of Backstreet Boys or one of those.  I just prefer female voices.  This is true, but there are exceptions, for most genres (rock, pop, hip hop).  The second reason was the fact that Johnny's Entertainment must despise foreign fans.  How did I get into Morning Musume?  Utaban, PVs, and later on Concerts.  AKB48: AKBingo, PVs, dramas, and later stages and concerts.  Arashi: unavailable for most people who are just surfing YouTube.  It turns out that unlike most Japanese artists who eventually open their own YouTube page because they are sick of fans uploading their content (and having to take them down due to copyright), Johnny's has just stuck to taking down everything and may be the strictest Japanese copyright enforcer on YouTube.  Thanks to my new friend I decided I would give them a try.  Well, when I tried the first step of my guide to AKB (PVs) I got nothing.  Johnny's Entertainment knows nothing of gaining international fame.  Arashi is the most popular artist in Japan, so why not try expanding a little?  But, I'm not here just to rant about the stupidity of their management, or Arashi's ridiculous costumes.  Let, me sing some praises. . . okay thoughts might be a better word.
To be honest, I still don't care for the music.  So far the one concert that I've seen has made them a joke.  For me, I enjoy them for their personalities, looks, and as fantasy boyfriends.  I know, I'm the worst kind of fan.  I am bothered when fans of AKB48 say they don't like the music.  I understand when they say the quality isn't great (I wouldn't call it bad either).  It is pop music.  Pop music is suppose to be popular, sometimes you'll get something edgy and high quality.  However, I think pop music is more about a fantasy or relatability.  I want music to take me somewhere and or connect to my feelings and thoughts.  I don't expect Beethoven's Fur Elise.  

Sorry, got off topic.  Junnifer and Nino for me are just for comedic entertainment.  Jun (Junnifer) only makes a good boyfriend when he is not being himself (acting).  I've always had a thing for Yankee characters so Ohno suits that interest.  Then Sho is generally entertaining and good looking.  Last is Aiba who (is hilarious when he tries to speak in English and) looks good in person, but not as much in pictures.  He seems like he is the more realistic boyfriend fantasy.  I don't know how often I'll post about them, but I want to do a concert review.  Thanks to my friend it will be easier to get my hands on one.  Excuse me for objectifying Arashi.  (You can watch this episode w/ subs of them and Oguri Shun talk about their fetishes.)  So do you liek sparkles?

Help Another Fandom: Idoling!!! Internet Crackdown and Petition

Acchi Muite Pie is dealing with some issues, which you can read about here.  Basically every fan from overseas are dependent on material like TV shows, concerts, PVs to be distributed by other fans.  Some fandoms have it harder (Johnny's Entertainment) and some have it easier (Hello! Project).  There is a petition that is attempting to get access to Idoling!!! TV shows that are already distributed by streaming services to overseas fans.  You can read and sign the petition HERE.  I've already signed it and it is easy because all you need it a Facebook or Myspace account (there are other ways too, but have you been living under a rock?).

SKE48 Auditions for 4th Generation Over

Did anyone know that SKE48 was holding auditions?  I probably heard about it but then I forgot about it because I don't follow SKE that closely.  Anyway, they finished their 4th generation auditions.  There were 5,888 applicants, which were narrowed down to 16 girls.  They'll be, as expected, join the SKE48 trainee team.  SKE48 has 42 members, so they only need to fill six spots to reach 48.  (AKB48 at one point did have over 48 members.)  What I am curious about is if they will have three teams.  Is their stage larger so they can accommodate a larger team size?  It could be confusing during events that put the sister groups together if there was two Team Ks, plus Team E sounds odd.  At this point in the game it is unlikely to see another team added.  I hope to see the individual team characters (that AKB48 has) develop.

Undergirls' PV and MOAR GRADUATIONS?!?

Sakura Fukuyama (22) will be graduating from SDN48!  She is a second generation member, and she made SDN48's first senbatsu.  I believe they have already filmed and recorded the single that only 12 senbatsu members would perform.  She was one of my favorites!  She will be leaving due to illness that recently worsened.  The single will be released on November 24.  There is currently no set date for her graduation.  ( ̄へ ̄)

It is kind of generic idol song, and PV.  However, it is still good quality (for generic idol).  It gives me the warm, calm feeling that it should.  It is also pure and pretty, so it is a pretty good opposite to the edgy, video game, violence we are expecting for the main track.  It is nice to see so many Undergirls.  Although, with the promotion of Matsui Rena there are even more SKE48 members.  I noticed Akimoto included Manami Oku; Akimoto has referenced her as his secret weapon, but we've yet to see anything from it.  Changes with the usual line-up: Sayaka is not in Undergirls or Senbatsu and Myao has been demoted with Harugon.  Good news is that both Sasshi and Rena will be keeping their sparkling senbatsu positions.  I know this will have a lot of people upset.  I understand why Myao and Harugon have been demoted, because they match the coupling song more than Beginner.  Violence suits Sayaka, but this isn't the first time Sayaka has been pushed down by the producers.  Sayaka was in the Undergirls for the 16th single.  Even though Sayaka has a girly personality, she wouldn't fit in with the song or the rest of the Undergirls.  She might be included in DIVA (which I still have no information about).  Since they've release the coupling PV, it is only a matter of time until they release the full Beginner PV.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New AKB48 CMs (Including Preview of 18th PV)

Kaspersky CM (Anti-Virus)

NEC Lavie CM (Laptop)

18th Single CM

Okay, not as gory as I thought it was going to be, but it is only the CM.  They are not going to be too edgy during the CM.  Does this make people think of their recent video game release?  I think it is a really good idea to have a video game theme.  It is like a shout out to their Akihabara roots.  I think these are a great set of CMs.  I love maids.  Just trying to keep you updated.  Wait for my first post about Arashi!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Nacchan - The Most Under Appreciated Member of AKB48

Hirajima Natsumi, of Team B, I am nominating for the most under appreciated member of AKB48.  Why am I saying this?  If you read my review of A3, you might recall me referring to her:
"One of the girls who I don't know looks like Natsumi from Team B."
Guess what.  It is Natsumi from Team B.  A3 was her last stage.  Cindy and Nacchan were both transferred, and I thought it was just Cindy.  I thought I should mention this for those other noobs out there.  You learn something new everyday.

She is an original Team A member, but I have never seen her in the spotlight.  Always the brides maid, never the bride.  Yes, she was in senbatsu single (the early ones), but she was never in the front.  (She is very interesting character.  You'll have to wait till May 28th, her birthday, for me to post her trivia.)  I am just impressed.  When I think of the original Team A, all of the members have either graduated or are still front girls.  Nacchan is the only original member to not fall into the two categories.  I guess she is a natural undergirl(, during the senbatsu vote she always ends up in the Undergirls).  Just wanted to feature her, because she deserves it.

Get well soon LOVETAN!  Aika Ota fractured a bone (a finger?), and she is in bad shape.  She had to skip a handshaking event.

Erena Ono Graduates From AKB48 (;_・)

Today, or kind of yesterday, Erena Ono graduated at the AKB48 theatre.  The date is September 27th.  She will be leaving to go abroad to look at schools where she will study acting.  She has yet to announce where she is planning on going.  I don't know what to say.  I haven't been this upset since Kaoru left, but I was just watching the graduation concert after the fact.  I will post Erepyon's last couple of blog entries before she graduated. 
Handshake event.
Hello helloー*

The handshake event at Makuharimesse
that happened yesterday.

There were a lot of people
that came since the morning!

Really really
thank you all very much*

There were those that said
"Don't leave~!"
as well as those who said
"When you return from overseas
let's talk in English!".

Everyone gave me
many various comments.

There were even some
who were crying...

That made me
really really happy(´.ω.`)

Though what I want understood
is that this is not a 'farewell'.

I will definitely mature
and return before you

It's a promise

I'm graduating
as a member of 'AKB48' but
as the 'actress' Ono Erena
I will do my best

So what I really want to say is


continue to treat Erena
as your *oshi**, I guess☆

Even though I'm graduating from AKB
it doesn't change the fact
that I was in AKB(´^〇^`)

From now on as well
please watch over
Erepyon aka Ono Erena!!

It's ok to cry..

I was trying really hard to hold back by tears,
but that's impossible..

Of course, there's times where it's possible to not think of everything.

Akihabara's Don Quixote 8F.
AKB48 Theater.
I love it. I really do.

"On the 27th, will I never be able to see this scene again?"
That's what I thought, at the end of today's performance.

The voices of the staff members in conversation,
The sounds of the cafe and the theater,
The rest of the AKB48 members bustling about,
The stage lights flickering.

And the time I spend speaking to all the members.

At 6:40 the fans start pouring into the theater,
And at 7 the curtain rises.

Once I start listing them I can't stop.

I thought again:
"Even like this, I do love the theater, AKB48, and Team K."

Only now?

..but, it's fine right? Even if it took so long?

If I realized it, it's ok, right?

Because if I don't think that way, I won't be able to see tomorrow.

So let's listen to 10nen Zakura..
And work hard for tomorrow.

♪Cherry blossoms, nando saite mo



1: ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous
2: having no rational or orderly relationship to human life : meaningless ; also : lacking order or value (Meriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

The other night I was driving a friend home and AKB48 was playing on my car stereo. She asked me why I liked AKB48. She commented that the music wasn't bad, and wondered if it was because they were so pretty.

While I have to admit the fact that the all members of AKB48 are quite lovely, my response to her was immediate and unequivocal. I love AKB48 because they are so utterly and completely absurd. Nothing about AKB48 is reasonable or sound; they are utterly meaningless and have no rational relationship to human life, and they are completely incongruous with the horrors of late capitalism.

I first discovered AKB48 by watching Majisuka Gakuen. That bloody show quickly became by favorite Japanese drama- strong young women fighting with honor and dignity, with a good bit of manipulative power politics thrown in. There was nothing more incongruous than for this program to be cast with a 48 member girl idol band. To me a 48 member idol group is absurd enough, but then to learn they have their own theater and put on nine shows a week is to add another level to the absurdity. The janken (rock-scissors-paper) tournament was the simply the latest and most delightful absurdity that is AKB48.

The premise of 'idols you can meet' is itself incongruous. An idol is to be worshiped from afar. Psychologically it is the externalization of our good qualities and the debasement of self. The management of AKB48 has quite successfully added a new level to the marketing of young women as fantasy girlfriends with this strategy. Yet as AKB48's popularity grows, these 'everyday' girls become more distant from the average member of the masses.

I've noticed some commentators out there have a strange love-hate relationship with AKB48, and I think this has to do with the fundamental absurdity of the group. While they can bring joy and entertainment, they do so in the most trivial of manners, diverting much needed resources from actually preserving human life. (To be clear, this is not directly the fault of AKB48 members, but the logic of capitalism. Millions across the world starve because no one can make money selling them food, and millions of yen are taken in by the capitalists marketing AKB48.) AKB48 is ultimately trivial beyond belief but just as equally powerful, important, and glorious.

I would suggest an alternative approach to the ironic detachment that cannot look away but then mocks the crass use of sexuality and other absurdities in marketing AKB48 related products. Admit you can't look away from the absurd spectacle that is AKB48 and just enjoy it. Our lives are so finite and precious, yet utterly absurd and meaningless. If you can't look away from the absurdity that is AKB48, just admit you like it and enjoy it. Life is too short to spent hating things that attract and engage you. Embrace the absurdity and enjoy. That is why I listen to AKB48's music, even though it is not great music.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Is 26 AKB48's Unlucky Number?

I recalled recently that during a SDN48 appearance (Show Battle) that they mentioned the number 26.  Is there a specific graduate age of AKB48?  I looked into it.  Cindy, Yukari, and Haruka were transferred before they reached the age of 26.  Noro Kayo and Megumi Ohori were both about the age of 26 when they were transferred, and they were the oldest members of AKB48.  So why do I bring this up?  It is not to discuss the whole issue of idol groups trying to stay young, but a certain someone is approaching the dreaded number.  The oldest member of AKB48 is currently: Shinoda Mariko.

Shinoda Mariko is 24, two years to go.  But, what about those who were transferred before they hit 26?  Could it be that they were moved to help SDN48's debut?  Shinoda is one of the most popular members of AKB48, so it would be hard to transfer her (even if you don't consider if she would be even willing to transfer).  Then if you think about it, both Yukari and Cindy were also senbatsu members.  If you are not concerned enough about Shinoda, Yukari and Haruka were born in the same year as Sayaka, Yuko, and other members of AKB48.  Akimoto has already stated that Yuko has years until she would need to graduate, but she is the most popular member right now.  Sayaka, on the other hand, has dropped in senbatsu and general position.  The producers have moved Sayaka to an Undergirls spot.  The teams were shuffled recently, so it is unlikely that there will be anymore transfers or graduates right now.  Just something to be concerned about for the future.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Goo Rankings - Who in AKB48 is Your Ideal Girlfriend?

46. Chikano Rina
46. Nakatsuka Tomomi
40. Sato Sumire
40. Yonezawa Rumi
40. Umeda Ayaka
40. Uchida Mayumi
40. Kikuchi Ayaka
40. Nakata Chisato
35. Kobayashi Kana
35. Suzuki Mariya
35. Oku Manami
35. Fujie Reina
35. Katayama Haruka
25. Kasai Tomomi <- WTF
25. Masuda Yuka
25. Hirajima Natsumi
25. Komori Mika
25. Ishida Haruka
25. Nonaka Misato
25. Nito Moeno
25. Tanabe Miku
25. Matsubara Natsumi
25. Oya Shizuka
19. Kitahara Rie
19. Sato Natsuki
19. Sato Amina
19. Nakagawa Haruka
19. Kuramochi Asuka
19. Nakaya Sayaka
16. Matsui Sakiko

16. Maeda Ami
16. Takajyo Aki
14. Miyazaki Miho
14. Iwasa Misaki

12. Ota Aika
12. Sashihara Rino
11. Minegishi Minami
9. Miyazawa Sae
9. Akimoto Sayaka
8. Watanabe Mayu
7. Kashiwagi Yuki
6. Kojima Haruna
5. Takahashi Minami
4. Itano Tomomi
3. Oshima Yuko
2. Maeda Atsuko

1. Shinoda Mariko

To be honest it is hard to picture Mariko as the ideal girlfriend.  I'm not familiar with goo readers so I don't know the demographic.  On the other hand, who wouldn't want to date a model?  I mean look at those legs!  I wonder if they were familiar with her character.  I guess Japanese guys are masochists.  I could generalize the top three as Model girlfriend, beautiful girlfriend, and girlfriend with big boobs.  They all have good personalities, and the top choices similarly reflect senbatsu.  Then there are some rankings that did not.  I know some wota are going to be excited that Iwasa got ranked 14th.  I boldfaced the members who ranked higher than I expected.  Then there is Kasai Tomomi.  I thought guys liked cute girls!  Michishige Sayumi and Ishikawa Rika get good feedback from guys and they have a similar character.  Hmm, maybe the guys see what I see too: that Tomo~mi is such a lesbo!  (I'm kidding, kind of.)  I mean did you notice how off the wall she was during the DANSO episodes.  Not to mention when Sae cosplayed as a Takarazuka actress.  I've seen plenty of pics of her flirting with Sae.  (I'm having too much fun messing with Tomo~mi.)  Congrats ladies!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Update - September

I've just come back from Singapore (YAAAY!).
And that's why I didn't manage this blog for a while ^^
And another reason is that I'm really busy for my school stuff
Next week I'm gonna be inaugurated(don't know the English ^^;) becasue I'm the leader of my extra curricular (a kind of school club)
And I have to practice more for PBB (Pelajaran Baris-Berbaris *maksa)

So I just want to post the award that I got from minchiii~ XD

friendly visitors award (my 6th award)

I don't know to whom I give this award so if you want just tell me and I only give this for 4 people that contact me first ^^

Hmm by the way I really want to upload some pictures of my stuff to poupee and this blog but I don't have any camera (poor me)
My mother always brings the camera so I can't take some picture of my stuff ;_;

And don't forget to check my special banner
The banner will be deactivate when the layout changed so that's why this banner is limited ^^
Thank you for read my post
Jaa mata! ^w^

℃-ute 2010 Haru ~Shocking LIVE~ Review

I said I would give them a chance.  I was thinking about waiting until their latest concert was released and uploaded onto YouTube, but what the heck.  I know this is old.  Plus, I bet some of you are sick of me talking about AKB48.  So far, C-ute has received the least interest from me out of the major groups from Hello Project.  After watching their dance medley from their latest tour that they showed on Ustream, I decided I should give them a fair shake.  I'm already familiar with most of their singles, which are okay, so I thought the next step is watching a concert.

I don't think this is the best opening number.  First of all, it is basically just Airi singing, which I will get to later.  The thing is the concert is called Shocking Live.  Therefore, the title track should be in the middle towards the end.  I always approach concerts like a story.  Yes, you want to grab their attention in the beginning but it shouldn't overpower the climax.  Morning Musume usually has a fun, energetic opening song to their album so they just use that.  It fits well.  C-ute's latest album was generally weak in my opinion.  It was okay, but... I want to say bland.  Maybe a performance will spice it up a bit, it is what they do most of the time.  Now the costumes are okay.  The giant bows and mini hoop skirts don't suit the song.  I much prefer the costumes they wore during the PV.  I will feel better if they rip those off to reveal another costume under it.  Now onto another reason why something is lacking.  I'm starting to think about things, which I shouldn't be thinking if this was a strong performance and if this was a better track.  Some songs are meant to be solos, or duets, &ct.  The fact that they didn't make it a solo track in the album is because it is a good song for a single.  Then why didn't they have Airi release it as a solo?  For one, they would need a reason, but when I pictured Airi by herself in the PV it is less impressive.  This also suggests, by giving Airi all the solo lines but not letting her release it solo, that Airi is not strong enough to be a solo artist and that the rest of C-ute is dead weight.  Not something I should be thinking.  I wasn't thinking about that during their dance medley.  See what you have done Tsunku by putting the songs in a bad order.

まっさらブルージーンズ - ALL
Hmm.  Methinks it is also too early to be pulling out an old hit.  Methinks you don't like your own album.  Methinks those costumes still don't help this at all.  Their name is C-ute, shouldn't they be wearing something colorful.  They match the stage so well they are starting to fade into it.  This is one of my favorites, possibly the favorite, single released by C-ute and they look as uninterested as I am right now.  I don't like it when groups try to get the audience to shout, especially when they are already doing it.  I think it is mostly I don't like the sound of them yelling Ai!  They started to get a little bit more into it as it got towards the end, but still not a good way to start the show.

甘い罠 - ALL
Hmm.  Methinks I liek this song placement a lot more.  This could of been a better opening number.  Okay wait, apparently I was just kidding.  There are two many breaks in between lyrics.  This is much better, even the costume work well with this.  From a distance with the choreography the fabric didn't look as heavy.  I like that twirl and skirt flip.  Good line distribution.  That was much better.  It would not have placed it after Shock, but towards the beginning is very good.  I wouldn't change this at all.

★憧れ My STAR★ - ALL
Another really good number.  I like how it is after the VTR.  The one thing I would change is I'd get rid of all the fives.  The only time I think it is okay to have numbers on clothing if it is something sports related.  The current members are all really good, and work well as a group.  When C-ute came out it was big enough that it wouldn't bother you too badly, but the girls seemed a little miss matched.  A think this line up is strong.  If only they were produced better.  This is such a waste of talent.

四月宣言 - ALL
I've grown to enjoy this song, but really?  This soon?  I like my slow songs at the end in. . . not those outfits.  A slow song in that little clothing, are sure you wanted to do that?  For some reason all the elements are making me tense.  This would of been a brilliant way to end the show.  It is not that slow, but I like my slow songs at the end.  (I've watched too many stages.)

Lonely Girl's Night - Maimi Yajima
I like the song.  Maimi isn't the strongest singer, but a good dancer so I think it would make more sense to give her a track with a stronger dance component.  Play to your strengths.  Like Natsu Doki Lipstick.  They should really cover them up during slow songs.

セブンティーンズ VOW - Saki Nakajima, Chisato Okai, and Mai Hagiwara
I do like girls in men's inspired clothes, but those are just too realistic.  It looks like the threw on their dad's suits.  The song sounds generic pop, and not a very good one.  I don't understand the song placement at all.  I think I've found a new level of bad.  There is boring, there is BAD, and then there is awkward/ tense/ your making me uncomfortable and I don't know why bad.  If you couldn't tell which one, it is the last one.  I at least like all the members.  I don't understand why this is happening.

ダーリン I LOVE YOU - Chisato Okai
Isn't she one of their strongest vocalists?  It is cute and a good performance, but I don't see what they were thinking.  This all seems poorly thought out.  Now I'll say this again, this is a good performance and okay song.

イメージカラー - Airi Suzuki and Maimi Yajima
This is okay and the performance is good, but it lacks some point of interest.  The most interesting thing is the suits.  Are we going to see some better songs?  This would of been a better place to throw one of their singles or old hit.  See, it is bad when I want to break up the basic concert order (group, units, group).

生きようぜ! - ALL
Now the suits work.  The song is much better, but still not a show stopper.  Without the suits it would be okay.  I have yet to hear a song I could get addicted to.  I've listed to A6 like 50 times and I didn't even think it was that spectacular.  It is sad when I think a stage is more impressive in pretty much every category than a concert.  I expect lower production value in a stage.  It might just be that I have a lower standard, but you're still below that standard.  Let's pick this up!

The Party! - ALL
Cute, each one has a male alter-ego.  Mai's is also Chinese.  This is nice.

Endless Love~ I Love You More~ - Mai Hagiwara
There is my darling!  I am digging this song.  This is just a breath of fresh air because it is Mai being Mai.  Can I call her Mai Mai?  She looks like she is not giving a good performance, but that's just her.  And that's why I love her.  She can be my cutie pie and not even try.  It is really hard to pull that off, and she doesn't have that strong of a personality.  She looks like she just came out of Forever 21.  I love the sailor look; I was happy when that came back into fashion.  Funny how the AKB48 fashion PB had two upcoming trends in it: sailor and military.  Does she remind anyone else of Dakota Fanning?  (Now, not when she was younger.)  Is that a five on her skirt?
君の戦法 - Saki Nakajima, Chisato Okai, and Mai Hagiwara
Are they required to always perform in these units?  Look how cute they are!  I should love C-ute.  Why is it all of a sudden getting better.  They keep on turning it on and off.  I'm bobbing my head and I'm grinning.  It is nice to be content.  KAWAII~

嗚呼 恋 - Airi Suzuki
This is what I'm talking about!  All they need is to give them a good song and a cute costume and let them shine.  And Airi knows how to work it!  Thank you~

I could live without the flags.  Is this really a single?  I would be a good album track, but single not so much.  It is okay.

愛してる 愛してる - Saki Nakajima
You know I can't deny a loli number!  I want to touch that hand!  Can I pet her?  I feel like Amina and Sasshi: they both have a thing for the younger, cute members.  That was be-a-u-tiful.

Forever Love - ALL
Shouldn't they have done this in the suits?  I'm starting to think Minnie Mouse.  I love the song, but those costumes don't suit all the girls or that song.
Jump - ALL
Okay this is better, but Chisato and Maimi still make me see Minnie Mouse.  Now that is how you encourage the audience to participate!  Don't shout at them, good old fist pumping to the song.

Shines - ALL
Here is also a good ending song, which isn't at the end!  But besides that, I am very pleased with this song and performance.  Why don't they let all the girls shine during singles.  There are so few they should give each one a good portion of the solo lines.  They don't really have anything to lose by doing that.

青春ソング - ALL
That skimpy red costume would of fit this song better.  I love energetic idol numbers too.  I'm still happy.

キャンパスライフ~生まれて来てよかった~ - ALL
This singles fits the group really well.  It may not be the best single, even from them, but it is c-ute.  Plus, they are wearing pink.

都会っ子 純情 - ALL
This is another favorite of mine!  They should put more dance stuff in their singles.  I guess they did it with their last one, but I didn't like the song.  Their performance progression is the opposite than what you would expect.  It approves as you get farther along.  Although, these girls should be worried about Momoiro Clover.  Clove has released some cute singles, with intense dance elements.  Their performance is off the wall and it doesn't stop, but they sacrifice the vocals a bit for that.  But, C-ute could use some fresh genki~ness.

夢があるから - ALL
Good way to end the show.

AKB48 Top 12 Ranking Explanation

Hello again.  I'm posting too much.  I'm kind of addicted to blogging now.  I like writing reviews now so I basically want to review every stage I've seen and liked.  I always try to think of something different to do for these considering my favorites tend to be about the same.  This time I'm going to include some stats, and explanation, and the theme they get for that stitch-work photobook.

#12 - Yuki Kashiwagi
Vocal Ability: Strong
First Stage: B1
Yukirin has dropped in my rankings because I'm starting to consider the x-factor more.  Not that she doesn't have talent.  By x-factor, in this instance, I'm talking about her tendency to get me excited (moe~).  This is different for everyone towards any idol.  If I don't make that my main reason then how can I defend my oshimen no matter what?  Yukirin is very entertaining and is known for her reactions.  She is the perfect match for a Team B captain.  You'll see as we go along that I am weak towards loli characters.

#11- Mayumi Uchida
Vocal Ability: Strong
First Stage: B4
Ha!  This is a good time to be a fan of Ucchii.  Both her and Nakatsuka caught my attention during B4 and proved themselves during Infinity.  Ucchii reminds me a bit of Mitsui Aika.  They both have that naturally smug expression.  I still believe that she is the best center, for me, that could of happened during the Janken Tournament.  She is in Team K. so she is a good dancer, and she was in the musical so we know her voice is strong live.  On top of that she is young, so having another young senbatsu could help.  She has a bunny for a pet, by the way.

#10- Aki Takajo
Vocal Ability: Questionable
First Stage: A5
I've always thought Aki-chan has the face of a model.  She was the fastest trainee to be promoted.  No matter where I see her she always impresses me.  I first got hooked during AX2010 when she subbed into Yukirin's unit Temo Demo no Namida.  Unlike the last two, because the live vocals are questionable most of the time, I don't know about her strength.  She isn't very strong; I know that.  She is starting to push her way to being a front girl of Team A.  I love girls who wear glasses and love dogs.

#9- Tomomi Kasai
Vocal Ability: Okay
First Stage: K1
I'm not the best judge of vocal ability.  I know bad singers and good singers.  Anyway, she is a great performer.  I like her fashion sense (ex. last AKBingo! episode).  She is also Rika Ishikawa cute.  If that wasn't enough she is the easiest person to assume is having a relationship with another member (Sae cough cough).  She also ends up in all the lesbian units.

#8- Tomomi Itano
[Black leopard]
Vocal Ability: Okay
First Stage: A1
Another fashion leader of AKB48.  I miss her old look before.  Now she looks more mature and sleek, but I like her better with blonde hair.  She is a strong dancer and performer.  She made me like K6 more by watching her birthday stage.  She is always, and will always, be a favorite of my mine.  (She also has a smug face that is cute.)

#7- Miho Miyazaki
Vocal Ability: Good
First Stage: A5
She is at an odd time in her life right now.  She was the cute new kid and now she is a full fledged teen and her popularity has gone down.  My love is unchanging, but I wish she showed her spice more.  Do you think she is a nicer person now? 

#6- Erena Ono
Vocal Ability: Good(?)
First Stage: K1
Oh farewell my darling.  I'm in sugarless pain to show my dedication (I vowed to not have any sweets for a week until she graduates).  No!  Don't leave me! 

[If you want an explanation on the vocal abilities part let me know.]

#5- Atsuko Maeda
Vocal Ability: Good(?)
First Stage: A1
Her singing ability is getting better.  And she is one of the oddest front girls.  She seems so plain, but then we find out she likes to fish.  I guess it is a calming hobby considering how busy she is.  

#4- Amina Sato
[Evening Primrose]
Vocal Ability: ???
First Stage: H1 (or A4?)
Please don't think of ??? as a bad thing.  I just want to be honest, and I don't think I've seen a clip of her singing for sure live yet.  Her voice is really cute though.  As you can see, I don't really worry about stats too much.  Amina has been up and down on my rankings.  She just didn't impress me that much during the first show of B5, but she always wins me back.  She is one of the girls that always gets me excited.  She is major x-factor for me.  I love cute members, and I love perverted members

#3- Aika Ota
Vocal Ability: Good
First Stage: B1
I feel like I am just non stop repeating myself.  Look at my previous explanations for this one.  I love cute troublemakers.  She has a cute, and actually good voice.

#2- Sae Miyazawa
Vocal Ability: Good
First Stage: K1
Sae is such a goof ball.  She is a lot more sexy with the longer hair that she has now.  However, I miss her boyish, genki short hairstyle.  I hope she doesn't cut her hair too short because I don't know if she has the right face to pull it off without looking like a dude.  She makes a great prince charming!

#1- Minami Minegishi
Vocal Ability: Good
First Stage: A1
She is the perfect fit for me.  She is a comedian and a cute character.  I do wish she would cut her bangs a little bit shorter.  The downward fringe at the center of her brow isn't as good.  She has the personality, looks, singing ability, and dancing ability to win my heart.  If only she was higher in rankings.  At least she has no sleeves.  She also loves glasses and has her groping moments as well.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

AKB48's 18th Single Details & Other Merch on My Want List

I'm doing a combo post, because I post a lot and they are a similar enough topic to push together.  I've bet you've noticed the buzz going on about this single as more information slowly creeps out of the woodwork.  I was just saying how I wanted a serious single from AKB48.  Please, if you know you are going to buy these anyway just use my link when you buy them.  It won't cost you anything.  If you do the same thing just let me know your blog and I'll use your link.  Win win people.  I'm really tight on cash.  (Thanks on those who at least clicked.  I got 45 total, but it turns out that doesn't get me anything.)  Let's start with the track list and album covers:

Type A

2.Boku dake no value(Under Girls )           
3.Kimi ni Tsuite (Team MINT)               
1.Beginner Music Video                  
2.Boku dake no value Music Video            
3.Kimi ni Tsuite Music Video                 
4.Beginner Dance Shot(Yuko version)                 
5.Beginner Dance Shot(Mariko version )                 
6.Beginner Dance Shot(Jurina + Mayuyu version

Type B

2.Boku dake no value(Under Girls)           
3.Nakeru Basho(Team Diva)                 
1.Beginner Music Video                  
2.Boku dake no value Music Video                 
3.Nakeru Basho Music Video                
4.Beginner Dance Shot (Atsuko version)                 
5.Beginner Dance Shot(Itano version)                 
6.Beginner Dance Shot(Takamina version)

Now, who the heck is Team Diva?  MINT was the group (Maeda At, Kasai, Katayama, Nito, Matsui S) who won the Ameba Pigg battle.  Their song is a sad romantic track.  The main track for this single, Beginner, is a tough track that fans have been comparing to RIVER, Team K's Stand Up, Keibetsu Shiteita Aijouand, and K-pop.  As for the lyrics I've heard their plain angry; nothing you expect from an idol group.  As soon as the rip of the song surfaced the internet people have been talking about pre-ordering it.  So, if you are on the fence don't wait too long.  Try to get the first press, so pre-ordering is the best.  I'm on the fence on which type I want.  I really like Type B's cover and dance shots.  Then again, I want to have the Acchan and Tomochin cover and MINT's song.  I will likely wait until I've heard the third tracks to make a final decision.  To be honest. . . I'm REALLY leaning for the Type B version.  I am impressed with what AKB48 keeps on releasing.  Even the generic single I love because they are catchy and fun to dance to.  Then they release that spastic single (Heavy Rotation, Soul Train, Veggies, and Pirates) and to follow it a bloody gore fest.  It is oddly perfect for the start of the school year here in the States.  Damn You Midterms and Finals!  Pure Idol Heart has plenty of news footage of the Janken tournament if you want to watch.  I thought they would of had a live stream or something live.

AKB48 x Bijo Saishu (1429yen)

It is a photobook that includes every member of AKB48.  Each one has their own theme, but nothing too dramatic and abstract.  It is a collaboration with stitch-work artist Asami Kiyokawa.  I want this, but I think I'll have to put it on my Christmas list.  I wonder if any of my family would buy it for me.  None of AKB48's PBs are ever too expensive.  Most of their stuff PB and Mook wise are pretty reasonable, but they release a ton of those every year.  This is on my must have list.  I love art and AKB48 so it is a perfect match.  Here is the theme list:
Duck × Maeda Ami
Raccoon × Oota Aika
Ant × Suzuki Mariya
Armadillo × Minegishi Minami
Boar × Ono Erena
Dolphin × Kuramochi Asuka
Eel × Kitahara Rie
Angelfish × Takajyo Aki
Parrot × Takahashi Minami
Snail × Nakatsuka Tomomi
Fox × Fujie Reina
Bear × Masuda Yuka
Black leopard × Itano Tomomi
Shiba inu × Hirajima Natsumi
Siberian Husky × Umeda Ayaka
White Rabbit × Oku Manami
Skunk × Yonezawa Rumi
Cricket × Matsui Sakiko
Sparrow × Maeda Atsuko
Sumire/Violet × Sato Sumire
Dandelion × Komori Mika
Tulip × Kashiwagi Yuki
Chihuahua × Watanabe Mayu
Chimpanzee × Miyazawa Sae
Evening Primrose × Sato Amina
Crane × Kojima Haruna
Flying fish × Tanabe Miku
Dragonfly × Oya Shizuka
Mouse × Miyazaki Miho
Hibiscus × Chikano Rina
Hummingbird × Uchida Mayumi
Pigeon × Matsubara Natsumi
Rose × Kasai Tomomi
Hedgehog × Kobayashi Kana
Pansy × Iwasa Misaki
Sheep × Sato Natsuki
Penguin × Ishida Haruka
Portulaca × Nakaya Sayaka
Marigold × Nakagawa Haruka
Mammoth × Akimoto Sayaka
Meerkat × Shinoda Mariko
Tortoiseshell cat × Katayama Haruka
Cabbage butterfly × Nakata Chisato
Goat × Sashihara Rino
Yuri/Lily × Nonaka Misato
Lion × Kikuchi Ayaka
Orchid × Nito Moeno
Squirrel × Oshima Yuko

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Beginner - AKB48's 18th Single MP3 Preview and Info

Both SDN48's and AKB48's upcoming single PVs were premiered during the event for the Janken Tournament.  I usually don't do these kind of things (posting the audio preview), but I think we'll have to wait till AKBingo! or one of their other shows.  The basic plot line is that the girls are playing a video game and it is extremely gory.  I heard something about them using blue colored blood instead of red to make it more family friendly, but you can hear Acchan screaming!  She gets stabbed in the hand is what I've heard.  There is also a lot of fuss about whether Akimoto Sayaka is included in the single.  Maybe they'll upload it onto their YouTube page.

My Take On Janken Results & NMB48 Audition Results!

Okay let's get the NMB48 thing out of the way first.  The first audition is officially over.  Now what surprised me was that they selected 39 girls, and you can find all their names on the official NMB48 site too.  This means they may start off with three teams off the bat.  (To keep things interesting I'm posting pictures from the tournament next to the list.)  Here are their names in romaji:

  • Riona Ota
  • Mayu Ogasawara
  • Ayaka Okita
  • Kanako Kadowaki
  • Rena Kawakami
  • Rika Kishino
  • Haruna Kinoshita
  • Momoka Kinoshita
  • Mayu Kusaka
  • Riho Kotani
  • Arisa Koyanagi
  • Sara Kondo
  • Rina Kondo
  • Mari Saito
  • Kanna Shinohara
  • Kei Jonishi
  • Miru Shiroma
  • Ayaka Suzuki
  • Rina Tanaka
  • Mami Tsukiyama
  • Sari Nishikawa
  • Mizuki Hara
  • Ayame Hikawa
  • Rina Hyoda
  • Aina Fukumoto
  • Miyuki Furukawa
  • Shiori Matsuda
  • Erika Maruyama
  • Ayaka Murakami
  • Ayaka Mori
  • Rei Mori
  • Minami Yasaka
  • Ayaka Yamauchi
  • Natsumi Yamagishi
  • Yuuki Yamaguchi
  • Nana Yamada
  • Sayaka Yamamoto
  • Akari Yoshida
  • Miyuki Watanabe
    AKB48 19th Senbatsu
    1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8
    9 10 11 12
    13 14 15 16

    Now onto my reaction!  (Here are the rest of the results.)  I feel like I should of recorded a video of my face, because it was getting a ton of exercise.  Some were unpleasant when my preferred favorite lost.  Others were great because she preceded to the next round.  Then I was torn on some because it was one of my favorites against the other.  The final result made me tear up because I was so happy.  Mayumi-chan is my favorite underdog and she has been in (or near) my top ten for awhile now.  I kind of laughed when everyone was like 'who the hell is Uchida Mayumi?'.  I'm going to post some of her performances to help you out.  (Most of them include Nakatsuka Tomomi too.)  This is the best thing that could happen for me.  Most of my other favorites are in senbatsu most of the time or are generally popular.  On top of that some of my other favorites (Kana Kobayashi, Aki-chan, Acchan, Tomo~mi, Harugon, Mocchi, Tomomi Nakatsuka) made it there too.  Now, I pretty much like every single member of AKB48.  I don't dislike any.  I just don't care about some of them.  I don't have any burning hatred towards a single member of AKB48, so I feel bad about ranking some at the bottom.  I'm going to try to find video footage from the event because it would be entertaining, there are two new PVs that were premiered, and for the mini-live.  I don't think this will hurt CD sales too much.  The fans are for sure going to buy it and the booklet for this tournament made the Oricon Top 10 book charts.  As long as the song is good I think they will do well.  Plus, all this coverage (it was aired in over 20 theaters live in Japan) will provide general interest.  If AKB48 keeps up their great sales in the next single they'll do fine because the general fans will carry over.  AKB48 is the top girl group in Japan right now; no one should be worried about CD sales.  Here are some videos of the center (Mayumi Uchida) for the 19th single:

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